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About Bazanti

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  1. Cool but that could mean a lot of variations should be made to make sure the module works on all buildings. For CSAT - NATO you would only switch around some supply boxes and bedrolls/flags/camo nets and voila, new comp! edit: never thought of an interogation room, will make some!
  2. This is some wonderfull work! Wish phronk's script had these compositions. lsd I would love to share some conpositions, I like making them and I agree that its a slow going process. But a labour of love! Will get on that. Any buildings you would love to get more variations of? Do you want to split up the military buildings into categories such as guer/nato/csat/aaf? P.s interested in composotions that integrate other mods such as Eden Objects/ PLP Beach Objects/ PLP Containers/ PLP Urban Pack?