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About HotosHideout

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    Private First Class

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  1. Ok, so either way the result is the same. On first click the sound fires. on any click after it does not.
  2. I must have my syntax wrong. I should be able to spawn a function correct?
  3. I plan on adding more code including a titleText to the function. I'll try switching it to spawn and see what happens.
  4. I have a function: shout_sound = { player say ["sound", 100, 1]; sleep 2; }; called here: class interact_button7: RscButton { idc = 1606; text = "SHOUT"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.456847 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.514004 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.0986365 * safezoneW; h = 0.0280088 * safezoneH; action = "call shout_sound;"; }; It will fire on gui mouse button click but it will not repeat when clicked again. No matter what i do even if i force the player say command in debug it will not fire. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Hello, I recently implemented an abort delay timer and wish to display text in the open space to the right of the menu while the timer is counting down. I've tried to find any information to change the text in the abort button so I can display a wait time, but i'll settle for using cutText if possible. Also, if the user leaves the menu and returns to game i need the text to delete. I've also tried to force the layer that its showing on but it appears that the menu screen is on a higher layer then layer 100. Any help is appreciated.
  6. I've created a public variable and set it in the init file of my mission. BOB = true; publicvariable "BOB"; I'm trying to set the var on several (but not all) playable units as a constant. This way a trigger can be activated when any unit with that var walks or drives into the trigger. I've tried all sorts of different conditions but I cant seem to find the right one. Even if I have to check the units variable individually then I will. I can't seem to get the syntax correct. To sum it up, I need help with the syntax on both the init for the unit and the condition of the trigger.
  7. HotosHideout

    Trigger condition for specific units.

    Figured it out. Type: None Activation: None Repeatable: Yes Server Only: No Condition player inArea thisTrigger && !(player == civX); On Activation vehicle player setposatl [5844,11332,0];
  8. I have a 60 player civilian team in my mission file and I would like to split it into several "teams". For example some civs will be in a gang some will be PMCs, etc. I would like to know how to have a trigger identify the unit to teleport out by variable name or a unique identifier that I can place in the units init field. For example it will teleport out any player that is !(civX) or that is not in gangX. The trigger that I would like to use is as follows and is in a multiplayer environment. Type: None Activation: None Repeatable: Yes Server Only: No Condition player inArea thisTrigger; On Activation vehicle player setposatl [5844,11332,0];
  9. HotosHideout

    Simple Auto-Teleport Trigger

    Alright this worked perfectly. Thank you. Type: None Activation: None Repeatable: Yes Server Only: No Condition player inArea thisTrigger && !(playerside == west); On Activation vehicle player setposatl [5844,11332,0];
  10. HotosHideout

    Simple Auto-Teleport Trigger

    So change the condition to player inArea this Trigger, with Trigger being the variable set for the trigger, and change the activation to vehicle player setposatl [5844,11332,0]; ?
  11. I currently have a simple trigger that teleports infantry to a specific location on the map. Below is the condition and activation code. Condition player in thislist && !(playerside == west); Activation player setposatl [5844,11332,0]; This trigger is exactly what i'm looking for as i'm following a KISS mentality. However, the trigger does not teleport a vehicle with player if the player drives into the trigger area. He would have to dismount in order to be teleported. This is going to be used in a MP situation and I need any vehicle of any type that is identified as being on a side that isn't blufor to be teleported out. I've tried to generalize the object using vehicle and i've tried to use setVehiclePosition as well and neither seem to be working. I will use an external .sqf if that is the only way but i'd like to try and keep it isolated to a specific trigger i set in the editor, code included. Any help is greatly appreciated.