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Posts posted by AmirBooza

  1. Hi,


    I'm a bit new to the forums but definitely not new to the Arma series. Anyhow, recently, I was wondering why no one has attempted to create a realistic and contemporary map related to the Syrian and Iraqi wars. While maps like Diyala exist, there are no Syrian maps like Deir Ezzor, Palmyra or Raqqa. Having said that, I've taken it upon myself to start a project.  


    Unfortunately, I have run into a problem. After following PMC's great tutorial titled, "ArmA 3 Real World Data Terrain Tutorial," in conjunction with the Ultimate Terrain Tutorial, I reached a point where I don't believe there was any clear mention of what processes are involved. For example, I have gone through and created all of the necessary files, like heightmaps, satellite textures, etc, but when I got to the point of using L3DT to create attributes and texture files, I ran into a problem. What exactly am I supposed to import into L3DT in order to be able to use TerrainBuilder?


    I'm looking at the Ultimate Terrain Tutorial, the portion where he talks about TerrainBuilder, and I noticed that he has the following: a satellite texture, a heightmap and a satellite mask. I imported the heightmap (developed in Global Mapper) into L3DT and exported it as necessary. I also figured the satellite texture was the PNG I downloaded with Terraincognita. I managed to import all of these into L3DT and export them as required, but I am puzzled by the satellite mask. Apparently it is generated from an attributes layer but I don't exactly have an attributes layer to accompany these other files.


    Can someone please guide me into finding an answer? I looked hard but I could not find anything specifically addressing my problem. This is literally the only barrier I have right now and it is a significant one at that. I have my texture and heightmap loaded and attempted to create an attributes layer by scratch, but it only spawns a plain brown (desert) or blue (water) square. It doesn't correspond at all to the parameters of my original files.


    Thanks in advance,
