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About s.rodge

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  1. So I have managed to get a custom explosive in game and place-able with ACE interaction. I can even set a trigger but it will not detonate. #define _ARMA_ class CfgPatches { class Rodge_Explosives //Addon Name { //Meta information for editor name = "Beer Explosives"; author = "S. Rodge"; url = "" //Required Information requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; units[] = {"beer_explosives"}; //links to CfgVehicles classes weapons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default; class Put: Default { muzzles[] += {"beer_explosives_Muzzle"}; class PutMuzzle; class beer_explosives_Muzzle: PutMuzzle { displayName = "6-Pack Beer"; magazines[] = {"6pac_Mag"}; enableAttack = 1; showToPlayer = 0; autoreload = 0; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class ACE_Explosives_Place; class beer_explosives_place: ACE_Explosives_Place { displayName = "6-Pack Beer"; // Name of the item model = "\beer\beer.p3d"; // Path to your model ACE_offset[] = {0, 0, 0}; // Offset of the interaction point from the model in meters on the X,Y,Z axis. Try setting this to the place where it makes most sense (e.g. to buttons/switches/pins) mapSize = 0.25; author = "S. Rodge"; _generalMacro = "SatchelCharge_F"; scope = 2; icon = "iconExplosiveGP"; ammo = "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo"; }; }; class cfgAmmo { class PipeBombBase; class SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo: PipeBombBase { soundActivation[] = {"", 0, 0, 0}; // No sound on activation soundDeactivation[] = {"", 0, 0, 0}; // No sound on deactivation hit = 200; indirectHit = 150; indirectHitRange = 12.5; dangerRadiusHit = 200; suppressionRadiusHit = 40; model = "\beer\beer.p3d"; class CamShakeExplode { power = "(20*0.2)"; duration = "((round (16^0.5))*0.2 max 0.2)"; frequency = 20; distance = "((3 + 16^0.5)*8)"; }; mineModelDisabled = "\beer\beer.p3d"; soundHit[] = {"beer\Sounds\C2.wss",3,1,500}; defaultMagazine = "6pac_Mag"; ExplosionEffects = "MineNondirectionalExplosionSmall"; CraterEffects = "MineNondirectionalCraterSmall"; whistleDist = 32; triggerWhenDestroyed = 0; }; }; class cfgMagazines { class CA_Magazine; class 6pac_Mag: CA_Magazine { ACE_Explosives_Placeable = 1; // Can be placed useAction = 0; // Disable the vanilla interaction ACE_Explosives_SetupObject = "beer_explosives_place"; // The object placed before the explosive is armed ACE_Explosives_DelayTime = 1.5; // Seconds between trigger activation and explosion class ACE_Triggers { // Trigger configurations SupportedTriggers[] = {"Timer", "Command", "MK16_Transmitter", "DeadmanSwitch"}; // Triggers that can be used class Timer { FuseTime = 0.5; // Time for the fuse to burn }; class Command { FuseTime = 0.5; }; class MK16_Transmitter: Command {}; class DeadmanSwitch: Command {}; }; author = "S. Rodge"; scope = 2; displayName = "6-Pack Beer"; picture = "\beer\UI\beer.paa"; model = "\beer\beer.p3d"; descriptionShort = "6-Pack Beer"; class Library { libTextDesc = "6-Pack Beer"; }; descriptionUse = "6-Pack Beer"; type = "2* 256"; value = 5; ammo = "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo"; mass = 8; count = 1; initSpeed = 0; maxLeadSpeed = 0; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; allowedSlots[] = {901,701}; }; };
  2. I could make some individual pictures like “01”, “02”, “43”, etc and have them load based off the final score.
  3. Example: Drill Instructor has to test three people. They could start the test but the results xx/50 would be posted on a sign.
  4. It does. The timing and random of the targets work perfectly. The red and green targets are great but the intent was to display on a notice board or any other blank assest. This was only to aide an drill instructor in tracking multiple people testing due to the hints being local only to those who initiates it.
  5. So I have manage to make everything work as far as the range goes. I changed the distances and removed one hint. The only two things that I can think of adding is randomizing from 2 to 3 targets at once and a notice board to track live targets hit. I will be adding your name near the shooting range also because you have done a lot. I will post pictures once completed if that is ok.
  6. Wow...this is more than I could of asked for. Thank you for your assistance! I will let you know if I come up with any snags.
  7. Hey guys, before I posted this I have looked at everything I can find on the internet. I have tried using the existing scripts to make it work or understand how it works. This is all I have right now but I am stuck on finding a solution. Layout: Laptop controls starting range and resetting targets. There are 5 targets in line at 50/175/300 meter spacing. Round 1 starts with an audible sound and 20 random targets from target lines 1 (50) and 2 (175). Round 1 ends with sound and allows for reload and stance change. Round 2 starts with an audible sound and 20 random targets from target lines 2 (175) and 3 (300). Round 2 ends with sound and allows for reload and stance change. Round 3 starts with an audible sound and 10 random targets from target lines 3 (300). Round 3 ends with sound and allows for reload and stance change. It then shows score of player. I will need to do this for 4 - 6 lanes.