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About Allusion22

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  1. Hi, I am working on a terrain and I was wondering how could I retexture the satalite map to look more sandy and tropical, as atm it is more trees and dark grass which doesnt go with the vibe im doing.
  2. Sorry this was the wrong forum, could an admin move it to the correct place?
  3. So, I have started to make custom clothing for gangs on my server, but when I pull up the textures for the clothing they are green, how could I make these black, I know this sounds very newby, but how could i keep the "Folds" and stuff and not just make the color of the image all black because that ruins it... So how could I turn this from green to black without ruining the texture? thanks!
  4. When I launch my game, with battleye enabled it blocks a load of SysWOW64 file and system32 file, then it crashes saying an error code: 0x00000035 -