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About Rand_em_x_y_z

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  1. So, I'm trying to build a script that will display the dimensions of a certain object. It seems simple enough, however the catch here is that the object in question will not be declared into the mission and will be NULL. So I implemented the following script for the given purpose but I am not getting the correct results. I'm getting 0 s' no matter what object I form reference to. _objname = "I_MRAP_03_F"; _box = missionNamespace getVariable[_objname, objNull] ; _box_dim = boundingBoxReal _box ; _p1 = _box_dim select 0; _p2 = _box_dim select 1; //systemChat format["%1,%2,%3", _p1 select 0, _p1 select 1, _p1 select 2]; _maxW = abs ((_p2 select 0)- (_p1 select 0)); _maxL = abs ((_p2 select 1)- (_p1 select 1)); _maxH = abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2)); systemChat format["width: %1", _maxW]; systemChat format["length: %1", _maxL]; systemChat format["Hidth: %1", _maxH]; I'm guessing that because the object in question (in this case a HEMPT truck) is not declared into the mission itself, its dimensions will return all zeroes? Any suggestion on how to fix?