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Everything posted by Charonn

  1. Charonn

    Textures lost

    Hello again Recently, I tried to solve the problem with the loss of roads on the map Chernobyl Zone. This I got by archiving through the PBO project But after that, I had something happened to the textures If someone is faced with a similar problem, tell me what could be the problem Thank you in advance
  2. Charonn

    Missing roads

    Hello I'm working with the ChernobylZone map, using terrain Builder \ buldozer. After exporting to WRP format, in Arma 3 itself I have lost roads on the map, with what it can be connected? Or am I doing something wrong? Thank you in advance for your cooperation
  3. Charonn

    Missing roads

    Thank you! Has helped 2 point, archive of a map through Pboproject There was another problem, the textures of trees, grass and some buildings became black :(