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About sneezemonkey

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    Private First Class

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  1. sneezemonkey

    Piggyback shooting problem

    I got the keybindings to stop interfering by returning "_this" for anyone who might encounter the same problem (I feel dumb for not realising). And have got the ai to move using doMove as well, though it is acting kind of temperamentally. Does anyone know a way I could just use playActionNow? I could do stuff with velocity vectors instead and what not but I would need to recreate collision detection so not workable. Also roads causes response issues even with FSM disabled (refuses to move sometimes) so any pointers there also appreciated.
  2. sneezemonkey

    Piggyback shooting problem

    ok I've tested keybindings and I have issues with attached objects (e.g. invisible chair) interfering with the "Carrier" unit from properly performing actions so that they can move Forward and back etc. I also have another issue with my keydown EH as it is preventing normal operation of other keys (like escape). I tried exitwith but that doesn't help. Any pointers appreciated. my keyDown EH: KeyDownEH = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", " params ['_displayorcontrol', '_key', '_shift', '_ctrl', '_alt']; _buddy = buddy; //placeholder code _keys = ['MoveForward', 'MoveBack', 'TurnLeft', 'TurnRight']; _keystate = []; {if (inputAction _x > 0) then {_keystate pushback 1} else {_keystate pushback 0}} forEach _keys; if (_shift) then { switch (true) do { case (_keystate select 0 > 0): { switch (true) do { case (_keystate select 2 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos 2) - ((_dir select 1)* sin 2); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin 2) + ((_dir select 1)* cos 2); _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; _buddy playActionNow 'WalkF'; }; case (_keystate select 3 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos -2) - ((_dir select 1)* sin -2); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin -2) + ((_dir select 1)* cos -2); _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; _buddy playActionNow 'FastF'; }; case (true): {_buddy playActionNow 'FastF'}; } }; case (_keystate select 1 > 0): {switch (true) do { case (_keystate select 2 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos -2) - ((_dir select 1)* sin -2); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin -2) + ((_dir select 1)* cos -2); _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; _buddy playActionNow 'FastB'; }; case (_keystate select 3 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos 2) - ((_dir select 1)* sin 2); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin 2) + ((_dir select 1)* cos 2); _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; _buddy playActionNow 'FastB'; }; case (true): {_buddy playActionNow 'FastB'}; } }; case (_keystate select 2 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos 5) - ((_dir select 1)* sin 5); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin 5) + ((_dir select 1)* cos 5); _buddy playAction 'TurnL'; _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; }; case (_keystate select 3 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos -5) - ((_dir select 1)* sin -5); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin -5) + ((_dir select 1)* cos -5); _buddy playAction 'TurnR'; _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; }; } } else { switch (true) do { case (_keystate select 0 > 0): { switch (true) do { case (_keystate select 2 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos 5) - ((_dir select 1)* sin 5); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin 5) + ((_dir select 1)* cos 5); _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; _buddy playActionNow 'WalkF'; }; case (_keystate select 3 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos -5) - ((_dir select 1)* sin -5); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin -5) + ((_dir select 1)* cos -5); _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; _buddy playActionNow 'WalkF'; }; case (true): {_buddy playActionNow 'WalkF'}; } }; case (_keystate select 1 > 0): {switch (true) do { case (_keystate select 2 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos -5) - ((_dir select 1)* sin -5); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin -5) + ((_dir select 1)* cos -5); _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; _buddy playActionNow 'WalkB'; }; case (_keystate select 3 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos 5) - ((_dir select 1)* sin 5); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin 5) + ((_dir select 1)* cos 5); _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; _buddy playActionNow 'WalkB'; }; case (true): {_buddy playActionNow 'WalkB'}; } }; case (_keystate select 2 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos 5) - ((_dir select 1)* sin 5); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin 5) + ((_dir select 1)* cos 5); _buddy playAction 'TurnL'; _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; }; case (_keystate select 3 > 0): { _dir = VectorDir _buddy; _newX = ((_dir select 0) * cos -5) - ((_dir select 1)* sin -5); _newY = ((_dir select 0) * sin -5) + ((_dir select 1)* cos -5); _buddy playAction 'TurnR'; _buddy setVectorDir [_newX,_newY,_dir select 2]; }; } }"];
  3. sneezemonkey

    Piggyback shooting problem

    I was hoping to avoid that with a config/sqf based solution... Will I need blender or can I just use bulldozer?
  4. Hi I'm trying to look for a solution that would allow any "Man" class object to shoot while "piggybacking" on another "Man" class object. The problem is while attachTo allows unit to fire, it does not allow for unit to adjust view/aim. Is there any way to get freelook to work using this method? Or could I define a usable turret class that isn't a "vehicle" vehicle? I'm away from my pc rn can't test. Reason I'm asking is dbo_horses
  5. sneezemonkey

    NIArms Release Thread

    No i deleted it ages ago when it became dilapidated.
  6. sneezemonkey

    NIArms Release Thread

    yeah kinda forgot to repeat what I said in CBA thread woops. basically your loadorder might cause this warning to show in a pop up window during initialising : Addon 'cba_common' requires addon 'A3_Data_F_Mod_Loadorder' and this is before the game starts. I figured it had to be some weapon mod conflict due to the recent CBA changes and found out it was coz of this mod (after unloading mods one by one until just CBA with the various NIArms modules). It fixed itself after I toyed with the loadorder though I don't remember what the order was when the error occurred. I doesn't seem to be an issue with the all-in-one pack (by itself). Aegis, Russia 2035, RHS, cup, SMA, rh weapons are fine as far as i can tell though reskins like "Arma 3 skins" causes the bug to come back regardless of loadorder. EDIT====== I've been trying to replicate the problematic loadorder but the launcher keeps readjusting it. will update if I manage to find the combos
  7. sneezemonkey

    NIArms Release Thread

    A heads up. Niarms can cause issues with the latest CBA update, especially if loading the individual weapon modules. You may need to play with the load order. this also applies to mods dependent on this one to add new gear (like reskins)
  8. sneezemonkey

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    figured out is was two issues. 1st one which caused this with CBA just by itself was resolved after a win update. dunno why but fixed. the second has to do with using individual NIarms modules. you might need to tweak your load order after this newest update of CBA. Also be wary of any mods that interact with niarms, the changes to Joint Rails classes seems to be causing issues.
  9. sneezemonkey

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    Since the latest update even if I only launch vanilla + CBA and I'm pretty sure I'm not missing any files though (re verified files etc.). Thoughts?
  10. sneezemonkey

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Does turning off ai vehicle use in the script/mod settings/userconfig not work? Perhaps lock the vehicle and addAction to lock/unlock?
  11. sneezemonkey

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Just to add to my ALiVE question, is it supposed to be NOAI or VCOM_NOAI? It looks like I've been using VCOM_NOAI in the init of placed units and that seems to work but both don't seem to work for pilots. EDIT: There seems to be a difference with github and non-github version of the script. for github it is NOAI while non-ghithub version it is VCOM_NOAI (unless I'm reading the wrong thing) If i were to make a SP mission compatible with VCOM mod (to make it optional), which one should I be setting? or should I just do both?