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About ZexKillex

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  1. ZexKillex

    Zone Control, PTS

    Hiya guys, I'm kinda new to creating or working with scripts in general. Sooo... I would like to ask, if there is a way of creating a PvE mission with Zone Control, which would add points. (Players could request a spawn-in troops/vehicles/equipment for those points which you would after that remove?)
  2. Get yourself SSD, create new steam library there, move the whole A3 folder. I'm sure this will help.
  3. If you have SSD, then create a new steam library and move the whole arma 3 folder onto your SSD. *Own experience, went from ~10fps to almost 200 with Ultra settings and glorious view distance above 5000. Edit: And dont forget to toggle off V-sync! xD
  4. ZexKillex

    1-10 FPS at High-end laptop

    Nevermind, fixed it. Moved the whole game to a new steam library on my ssd disk. Helped a lot. Now I can run with Ultra settings with 9700 overall, 4000 objects, 200 shadows with 70 fps stable. SP/MP - Both the same.
  5. ZexKillex

    1-10 FPS at High-end laptop

    Oh, and here is my Benchmark from userbenchmark.com. While Google chrome and some minor processes were running in background.
  6. ZexKillex

    1-10 FPS at High-end laptop

    Yes, I am perfectly sure. Because the GTX 1080 is the only graphic card I have. Graphic Cards in Control Panel - If you dont mind, it's in czech. You can check on the laptop itself. I've got the 1080p version, not the 4k one. But really, the only difference is in native resolution. Just checked on some others games like GTA V, Tiger Knight, Shadow of War and Hitman, all on maxed out settings and all smoothly on 65+ except hitman, on 58 in average.
  7. Hi, everyone. As my title says, I'm having really hard time figuring out what's the cause of having at most 10 fps while playing on singleplayer or multiplayer. Here are my specs.: The Laptop is Predator GX-792 Processor: i7-7820hk 2.9Ghz (With turboboost 4.1 Ghz) Graphic card: GTX 1080 Ram: 32 Gigs DDR4 64 bits system, running on Windows 10. While in-game playing either singleplayer or multiplayer BUT in menu, the fps goes over 70+ while on Ultra settings. - Without V-sync. Visibility: *3800 Overall *3200 Objects *100 shadows I've tried lowering all settings to standard and later on lowest with visibility 1000 overall at most. There was no difference in fps at all! Please, help, anyone. xD