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Sir Chopwood

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About Sir Chopwood

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  1. Sir Chopwood

    Server refusing to load mods!

    I did try TADST before but as i said my setup doesnt work with TADST plus before now i had never used it so it just seemed simpler to do it manually.
  2. Sir Chopwood

    Server refusing to load mods!

    I noted that now :/ TADST doesnt work with my setup, got going to go into it but i would rather a manual setup anyway.
  3. Sir Chopwood

    Server refusing to load mods!

    Thanks, will do!
  4. i have no idea where to ask this or why its happening so I am asking here. does anyone know why this batch file wont load my mods that are store in the core directory correctly and are in correct loading order. any help/advice would be amazing, thanks. @echo off "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server_x64.exe" "-profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server" -mods=@CBA_A3;@OppositionACE;@ACEX;@task_force_radio;@Operation-TREBUCHET;@Opposition[MapsPack];@StarWarsOpposition;@3denEnhanced;@ACE3ExtensionAnimations;@AdvancedRappelling;@AdvancedUrbanRappelling;@AresMod-AchillesExpansion;@BlastcoreEdited(standaloneversion);@BloodlustLITE;@EnhancedMovement;@MCCSandbox4;@Sandymountainsandflatlands;@ShackTacUserInterface;@Sonara; -config=CONFIG_server.cfg -port=1001 -world=empty