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About Draygone

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  1. Bugger that, I just want my dynamic lighting. Shadows, actual freaking shadows!
  2. Draygone

    Large ground target

    Ok, I implemented that and managed to get some nice results, here is the scatter of 1000 155mm HE rounds from the M4 Scorcher fried at a target. However when I went to test guided and laser guided rounds I ran into a problem. These rounds seem to be made of two parts The first part which acts like a normal round and despawns a distance from the target, and the guided part which spawns in its place to then hit the target. This means that the script registers the location of the first part despawning and not the end point of the guided component. Does anyone have a way of tracking that second part?
  3. Draygone

    Large ground target

    Thanks a lot das attorney, that's exactly what I wanted :)
  4. After having some trouble in some missions I was curious about the accuracy of artillery, particularly between normal, guided and laser guided rounds. To do this I wanted to create a target I could shoot at which would spawn some sort of marker when hit by a round. I managed to do this by using blocks with a script attached to spawn spheres using the HitPart event handler. However the biggest block is only 12m x 12m and I need a much bigger target. I was curious if there was some sort of basic object I could create of a set size that registered hits. Alternatively if there was some other way to create an area where projectiles hitting the ground were registered, maybe with triggers or logic, that would also be cool (I'm more interested in getting the right result. Finally, if I have to use multiple blocks (or some other object), is there a way to spawn a large number of them in a grid so that they all are scripted to register and spawn on hits. Any of these methods would do.
  5. Draygone

    Best Arma3 DLC yet

    Man, I did not realize how had this question is until you asked it. The thing with the DLCs is that while for many of them the content added is cool but also not that big of a deal due to the amazing work you can find made by the community. Case in point are the Heli, Marksman and jets DLCs. These add a few vehicles, guns and other small things which isn't much considering how many awesome community made jets, helis and guns you can find. Rather each of these add much needed and loved engine upgrades that are the sort of thing the community has trouble doing. Sling loading, advanced flight model, weapon resting, firing from vehicles and the sensor overhaul are all great improvements to the game. On the other hand you have laws of war and apex, which added a large amount of content and two really cool campaigns. I guess if I have to pick I'm going to go with LoW. This is because the engine upgrades are free so when it comes down to what to spend money on I feel LoW is the best value for money. Not only does it add a lot of content but it is content that the community hasn't really made. With Apex I feel like as cool as all the content is, new guns, vehicles and a map are all things I find on the workshop, and I feel like the LoW campaign is more unique and fun (especially single player). As for free, well I don't really use zeus but I can admit that it is really frigg'n cool.