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About DuncanG3C

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  1. DuncanG3C

    Server Wont load past Game Port

    Thanks for the comforting words
  2. DuncanG3C

    Server Wont load past Game Port

    sooooo, im just retarded, im used to the server loading the map before anyone connects and it didnt do that so i thought something was wrong. Thanks for helping me realize that, 3 days down the drain.
  3. DuncanG3C

    Server Wont load past Game Port

    No mission, just the base files Tried with mission, same outcome
  4. DuncanG3C

    Server Wont load past Game Port

    The server wont load past the Game Port portion, i left it running for an hour and it didnt move past the Game port portion of the console
  5. I have setup an Arma 3 server on the dedicated box that i own and it wont load past Game Port I use TADST Console Output: RPT: