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About SaintF4LL

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  1. Hey, I'm quite new to mission editing and yes, I used the search function before asking. But maybe I used the wrong words or my english is not good enough. Maybe my question is easy to answer. I'm just designing my first sp mission and wonder if it is possible to create a Task for the player to pick up his gear from a box. How do I write the script for setting the Task to accomplished? Right now I inserted a trigger, that sets the task as accomplished, when the player is leaving the room again. But that will accomplish the task even when the player is leaving the room without picking up his gear. The player will start at a beach and gets a radio call from HQ, that vacation is over and he should pick up his gear and put on his uniform in a cabin nearby. (Don't laugh. I'm just testing... ;) After that call the task should appear. It should be accomplished and switch to the next waypoint/task, when the player took all his equipment from a box inside a cabin. Thanks for helping and for being polite. Greets, Stephan