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CoG Joel

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  1. CoG Joel

    Ace body bag to end game

    i all so had someone say somthing bout " I think you need to change the setVariable commands to accept the public parameter" not sure wat he mean all how https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVariable
  2. hay guys i been using this coding to kill warlord the place him in body-bag with ace then take him back to base to end complete mission but it work on eden but not my server plz help Warlord init ["ace_placedInBodyBag", { (_this select 1) setVariable ["UNITNAME",str(_this select 0)]; }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; Game logic null = [this] spawn { _o = _this select 0; _nonComp = true; while {_nonComp} do{ _bags = _o nearObjects ["ACE_bodyBagObject", 50]; { if((_x getVariable "UNITNAME") == "Warlord")exitWith { "END1" call BIS_fnc_endMission; [west, "HQ"] sideChat "Warlord returned!"; _nonComp = false; }; } foreach _bags; }; };
  3. so i have the HQ truck setup doing moblie respawn and when this truck gets to the airports it spawns in a base i have set up but only once the opfor are dead in the area truck var "respawn_west" "respawn_west" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos "nextMarker"); have a show and hide mod sinked to stuff i wont shown when the truck in zone with trigger... i hope u guys get this i cant see how u can send pic
  4. CoG Joel

    mission complate with triggers stuff

    thank you mate but im getting the complate mission, but i only wont it after the dead ai been drop off inside trigger?
  5. So im bit stuck with a triggers. What im trying to do is after kill ai then taking it back to point of trigger its mission complate/end in Con ture && !Alive Warlord on Atc { if(!(Alive _x&& _x) == Warlord)then { "KILLED" call BIS_fnc_endMission; }; } foreach thisList;
  6. CoG Joel

    Dynamic simulation for Site module

    So im trying to setup the Dynamic simulation and i have click all he boxes but still no good... one question are the ai meant to spawn?