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M. Robberts

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Everything posted by M. Robberts

  1. M. Robberts

    Arma 3 Skeet Trap Shooting

    Great Thanks, Cant wait :)
  2. M. Robberts

    Arma 3 Skeet Trap Shooting

    Hey, Thanks for the Code for this. Trying to do what @loopdk is doing as well. Not the best at this but working on it. I tried a few ways but none of them worked. I will show the way I attempted and if anyone knows where I went wrong please inform me. (Ps. Using a Slighly edited code that removes the pint system completely as I don't need it in my mission.) Attempt one. Inside of sk1 (Portable Genorator) Skeet1 addAction["PULL",sk1 exec "launch_skeet.sqf"]; Skeet1 is the Name of the Radio Object that iam using. Trying to remotely remote execute the command from a pull action on the radio object. (Like this was gonna work) Results . "PULL" Action appears but does nothing when accessed. Attempt two. Another way around Inside of Skeet1 (Radio Handset) this addAction["PULL",sk1 exec "launch_skeet.sqf"]; sk1 being the Portable Generator Trying to remotely execute the Command from a pull Action on the radio. Results. "PULL" Action appears but does nothing when accessed. This is the code that has the Middle removed (Scoring System) private ["_machine"]; _machine = _this select 0; if (!(isnil "_machine")) then { private ["_disc", "_discPos"]; _discPos = [_machine, 0.6, 180] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _disc = "Skeet_Clay_F" createVehicle [(_discPos select 0), (_discPos select 1), 0.7]; _disc setPos [(_discPos select 0), (_discPos select 1), 0.7]; private ["_vel", "_ehCode"]; _vel = [[0, -1, 0], (direction _machine + random 4 - random 4)] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D; _disc setVelocity [(-(_vel select 0) * 9), ((_vel select 1) * 9), 10 + (random 2)]; _ehCode = { private ["_disc", "_killer"]; _disc = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; //Only score a hit while the skeet is airborne. if (((position _disc) select 0) > 0.1) then { if ((_disc distance _killer) <= 1000) then { hint "Hit"; }; }; deleteVehicle _disc; }; _disc addEventHandler ["killed", _ehCode]; sleep 1; //Make sure the skeet flies a bit longer than normal physics would cause. _vel = velocity _disc; private ["_i"]; _i = 0; while {(((position _disc) select 2) > 0.1) && (alive _disc)} do { _disc setVelocity [(_vel select 0) / (1 + (_i / 10)), (_vel select 1) / (1 + (_i / 10)), (_vel select 2) / (1 + _i)]; _i = _i + 0.1; sleep 0.1; }; }; true If anyone knows the correct way to remotely executing scripts or wants to help get this working please msg back. Thanks, Mac @Chris-Hanson@loopdk@jagdtiger74