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Posts posted by Coladebote

  1. Hi guys:

    Here are the links to the compositions that I have published in the Workshop.

    Lots of health and fun.



    Fortification FIA



    Petrol pump



    FIA camp



    Gunsmith Workshop




    Russian anti-aircraft installation



    Russian military camp



    Russian helicopter base


    • Like 1

  2. Hi Melody_Mike,

    Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I haven't been to the Bohemia forum in a long time. Lately I see it very off. You see, my experience is focused on creating missions to shoot them in an Arma III server and it turns out that, surprisingly, in the Workshop, there are issues that don't work the same. In fact, I have had to tweak the missions that I have published to make them work well. My advice is this: download the mission, put all units in playable mode and launch it from a server. If I can help you with anything, it will be a pleasure.

    Lots of health and fun.



    • Like 1

  3. Hi guys:

    I have already published my new creation in the Workshop. It is, this time, a mission set in World War II. It is the first episode of a series about the Brandenburg Division.

    I am attaching the link of the Workshop in case it is of interest to you.




    Let's have fun.









    Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the German military intelligence service, sets up, before the invasion of Poland, several units of armed saboteurs, but dressed in civilian clothes. The mission entrusted to these groups is to advance ahead of the German forces to capture strategic objectives or prevent their destruction by the enemy. The success achieved encouraged him to form, in October 1939, the Training and Construction Company for Special Jobs 800, based in Brandenburg, a city near Berlin from which the German army command groups would take their name.

    Within three months, the unit grew to a four-company battalion. Soldiers capable of posing as foreigners, especially from Eastern Europe, were chosen to nurture their ranks and were distributed among the companies based on their ethnic origins and language skills.

    The Commands first acted on May 10, 1940, when the attack on France and the Netherlands began. That day, a detachment dressed in Dutch military police uniforms seized the Gennep bridge over the Meuse, preventing its demolition. It would be one of 61 road or rail bridges designated as targets during the campaign, of which 42 were captured intact.


    In December 1940 the battalion was transformed into a regiment, made up of three battalions divided into specialized companies that gradually increased over time: units of paratroopers, Mountaineers, reconnaissance, interpreters or specialists in coastal incursions, that were combined as best suited for each mission.



    The Wehrmacht, in its unstoppable advance on the eastern front and after some notable successes achieved at the beginning of the campaign, encountered the first setbacks with the Russian winter. Meanwhile, a group of men from the Brandenburg Division parachute behind enemy lines.


    Intelligence reports reveal the location of two targets: a Soviet Zis 5V-61K anti-aircraft detachment and a small airfield, both facilities are fully operational and providing cover and support to the Red Army in its fierce fight against Wehrmacht forces.



    The orders of the high command are precise, to seize both Soviet military installations and destroy their troops, antiaircraft and planes.



    1.- Storm the military complex and take over the facility.

    2.- Eliminate the commander of the military post.

    3.- Destroy the Zis 5V-61K anti-aircraft located in the compound.

    4.- Assault and take control of the airfield.

    5.- Eliminate the airfield commander.

    6.- Disable Bell P-39 Airacobra aircraft.







    El almirante Wilhelm Canaris, jefe del servicio de inteligencia militar alemán, pone en marcha, antes de la invasión de Polonia, varias unidades de saboteadores armados, pero vestidos con indumentaria civil. La misión encomendada a estos grupos es la de avanzar por delante de las fuerzas alemanas para capturar objetivos estratégicos o evitar su destrucción por el enemigo. El éxito alcanzado le animó a formar, en octubre de 1939, la Compañía de Entrenamiento y Construcción para Empleos Especiales 800, con base en Brandenburgo, ciudad próxima a Berlín de la que tomarían su nombre los grupos de comandos del ejército alemán.


    A los tres meses, la unidad creció hasta convertirse en un batallón de cuatro compañías. Fueron elegidos para nutrir sus filas los soldados capaces de hacerse pasar por extranjeros, especialmente del este de Europa, y se distribuyeron entre las compañías en función de sus orígenes étnicos y sus conocimientos de idiomas.


    Los comandos actuaron por primera vez el 10 de mayo de 1940, cuando comenzó el ataque a Francia y los Países Bajos. Ese día, un destacamento vestido con uniformes de la policía militar holandesa se apoderó del puente de Gennep sobre el Mosa, impidiendo su demolición. Sería uno de los 61 puentes ferroviarios o de carretera designados como objetivos durante la campaña, de los que 42 fueron capturados intactos.


    En diciembre de 1940 el batallón se transformó en un regimiento, compuesto por tres batallones divididos en compañías especializadas que fueron incrementándose con el tiempo: unidades de paracaidistas, de montaña, de reconocimiento, de intérpretes o de especialistas en incursiones costeras, que se combinaban como resultase más adecuado para cada misión.



    La Wehrmacht, en su imparable avance en el frente oriental y tras algunos éxitos notables logrados al principio de la campaña, encuentra los primeros contratiempos con el invierno ruso. Entretanto, un grupo de hombre de la Brandeburg División saltan en paracaídas por detrás de las líneas enemigas.


    Informes de inteligencia revelan la ubicación de dos objetivos: un destacamento soviético de antiaéreos Zis 5V-61K y un pequeño aeródromo, ambas instalaciones se encuentran plenamente operativas y dando cobertura y apoyo al ejército rojo en su encarnizada lucha contra las fuerzas de la Wehrmacht.



    Las órdenes del alto mando son precisas, apoderarse de ambas instalaciones militares soviéticas y destruir sus efectivos, antiaéreos y aviones.



    1.- Asaltar el complejo militar y apoderarse de la instalación.

    2.- Eliminar al comandante del puesto militar.

    3.- Destruir los antiaéreos Zis 5V-61K situados en el recinto.

    4.- Asaltar y tomar el control del aeródromo.

    5.- Eliminar al comandante del campo de aviación.

    6.- Inutilizar los aviones Bell P-39 Airacobra.


    • Like 1

  4. Hi guys, now that I have started posting missions in the WorkShop there are people telling me that after subscribing they cannot access the mission from ARMA III. The truth is that it has happened to me at some time as well.

    That is why I have searched if there is any alternative solution to download missions and I have found this link from Steam itself. I did not know it and it works very well.




    In case it is of interest to someone.

    Greetings from the Mediterranean coast.

    • Thanks 1

  5. Halloween Special

    Hello, you already have my new mission in the Workshop: Marsh Lands, specially designed for this Halloween.

    Have fun.







    Covid-19 was first detected in Wuhan, Hubei province, (China) at the end of 2019. Since then, more than 240 million infected have been confirmed and around five million deaths have been registered worldwide . Speculation has always been fueled in the West about the possibility that the virus had emerged at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, one of the main research laboratories in China.


    However, from the Asian giant another possibility is being considered that points directly to the CIA. In effect, this theory maintains that the virus was spread within China itself by US agents, during their participation in the Wuhan Military World Games, held between October 18 and 27, 2019, where more than 9,000 athletes, from more than 100 countries. Many of them later fell ill, presenting symptoms very similar to that of Covid-19.


    Be that as it may, the World Health Organization (WHO), deeply concerned about the alarming levels of spread of the disease, its severity and the alarming levels of inaction on the part of governments, determined, on March 11, 2020, that COVID-19 could be characterized as a pandemic. So it was, the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declared on March 11 that the Covid-19 coronavirus went from being an epidemic to a pandemic.


    The pandemic caused by the coronavirus has proven to be a very effective weapon to produce the collapse of the economy, trigger the indebtedness of the countries and generate new legions of workers without work, in addition to making possible the implementation of social experiments, such as the forced confinement of the population. All this, seriously affecting the growth of world GDP.



    In 2028, with the coronavirus pandemic already over, Russian scientists finalize the preparation of a biological gas that turns human beings into the living dead. Until now there was no confirmation that such an investigation had been successfully completed, but the latest intelligence reports reveal that it has already been possible to produce serum in the experimental phase. At the same time, the antidote that is given intravenously has been designed. Commercial aviation would fulfill a logistical role of the first order to expand this gas through the atmosphere, producing, after a few days, the pernicious effects on the population.


    On an uninhabited island, north of Russia, in the Barents Sea, the Russian Federation has an important oil field, which acquires unique strategic value, especially for military use, given the increasing scarcity of energy resources . In the old radar facilities, built during the cold war, the Russians have installed a biogenetic research laboratory, where they have developed the serum, using prisoners sentenced to capital punishment as guinea pigs.


    This facility is protected by four ZSU-35 self-propelled anti-aircraft units. The Russian military presence on the island is notable, especially in strategic enclaves. In this terrain it is common to locate these undead that have been left to their free will, wandering through the territory and under GPS tracking to see what their evolution is. These beings are very aggressive, although they do not attack the forces of the Russian army.




    At 7 am on Tuesday, October 31, 2028, they will prepare to start the mission on board the vehicles, heading towards the first objective. According to the data provided by intelligence, the objectives that are reflected on the map with red markers are of HIGH difficulty. Extreme stealth.



    1.- Assault the refinery and execute the post commander.


    2.- Destroy weapons, ammunition and fuel transport trucks


    3.- Assault and take control of the old radar installations.


    4.- Disable ZSU-35 Tigris self-propelled anti-aircraft systems.



    Intelligence reports that for the refueling of ammunition and medical supplies, a transport aircraft launched on coordinates 03559e/13776n a supply container.

  6. Hi guys, I posted my dynamic campaign in Altis, conquer - Altis in the Workshop. It is version 1, which I will expand in the future with new objectives.

    This is the link.









    In Atsalis, the islet located north of Altis, the provisional base of the US Army is located. From this point, through 16 screens, the troops will be able to teleport to one of the 16 areas of the island of Altis, depending on the option chosen. At the point of departure, there will be two armored vehicles, one armed, with medical supplies and ammunition.


    Much attention and stealth because the island has been occupied by enemy forces of the Russian Federation, the towns (35) and military installations (42) are controlled by Russian garrisons, all the gas stations (23) are closely guarded. Numerous minefields have been laid on the roads. There is a presence of patrols, both in urban and mountain areas.


    Throughout the map you can find some civilian vehicles for transportation. All gas stations are operational, so it will be possible to refuel, although, previously, they will have to be conquered.


    Start the mission and read all the instructions.







    En Atsalis, el islote situado al norte de Altis, se halla la base provisional del ejército de los EE.UU. Desde este punto, a través de 16 pantallas, los efectivos podrán teletransportarse a una de las 16 zonas de la isla de Altis, dependiendo de la opción que se elija. En el punto de salida se dispondrá de dos vehículos artillados, con suministros sanitarios y munición.


    Mucha atención y sigilo porque la isla ha sido ocupada por fuerzas enemigas de la Federación Rusa, las poblaciones (35) e instalaciones militares (42) están controladas por guarniciones rusas, todas las gasolineras (23) se encuentran muy vigiladas y en las carreteras se han colocado numerosos campos de minas. Hay presencia de patrullas, tanto en zonas urbanas como de montaña.


    A lo largo del mapa se pueden encontrar algunos vehículos civiles para el transporte. Todas las gasolineras estás operativas, por lo que se podrá repostar combustible, aunque, previamente, habrá que conquistarlas.


    Comienza la misión y lee todas las instrucciones.




    • Like 3

  7. Hi guys, I leave you here the link of the first mission that I publish in the Workshop, as well as the briefing.

    Have fun






    Although in the previous campaign they were expelled from the territory, five years later, in October 2021, intelligence has detected military units of the Russian Federation south of the island of Altis. Their presence is beginning to spread along the sea front. It is an incipient raid from the southeast of Altis that is spreading rapidly.

    So far, the Russian forces occupy several enclaves, air activity has been detected and they already have, further north, a warehouse for the distribution of weapons and ammunition that reaches the island by sea. If this growing enemy activity is not cut short immediately, they will soon gain a foothold in Altis. The Russian military operation is led by General Anatoliy Titov, an experienced strategist, mandated by the Kremlin to reconquer the entire island territory.

    At zero hours, under the darkness of the night, they will approach the coast aboard a submarine. From that position they will move in several boats to the point of incursion. According to the data provided by intelligence, the mission consists of several objectives, which are reflected on the map with yellow, orange and red markers, that is, of LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH difficulty, respectively.

    1.- Approach to the lighthouse, eliminate all the enemy troops and take the enclave.
    2.- Eliminate enemy troops from the vigilance post.
    3.- Reduce enemy troops and take the coastal detachment.
    4.- Dismantle roadside control, eliminating all enemy units.
    5.- Take the military barracks and execute the post commander.
    6.- Destroy the weapons and ammunition trucks.





    Aunque en la anterior campaña fueron expulsadas del territorio, cinco años después, en octubre de 2021, inteligencia ha detectado unidades militares de la Federación Rusa al sur de la isla de Altis. Su presencia se empieza a extender a lo largo de la fachada marítima. Se trata de una incipiente incursión desde el sureste de Altis que se propaga de forma rápida.

    Hasta el momento, las fuerzas rusas ocupan varios enclaves, se ha detectado actividad aérea y ya disponen, más al norte, de un almacén para la distribución de armamento y munición que llega a la isla por vía marítima. Si no se corta de forma inmediata esta actividad enemiga creciente, en cuestión de poco tiempo se afianzarán en Altis. El operativo militar ruso está dirigido por el general Anatoliy Titov, un experimentado estratega, mandatado por el Kremlin para reconquistar todo el territorio insular.

    A las cero horas, bajo la oscuridad de la noche, se aproximarán a la costa a bordo de un submarino. Desde esa posición se trasladarán en varias lanchas hasta el punto de incursión. De acuerdo con los datos suministrados por inteligencia, la misión se compone de varios objetivos, que se reflejan en el mapa con marcadores de color amarillo, naranja y rojo, es decir, de BAJA, MEDIA y ALTA dificultad, respectivamente.

    1.- Aproximarse hasta el faro, eliminar todos los efectivos enemigos y tomar el enclave.
    2.- Eliminar efectivos enemigos del puesto de vigilancia.
    3.- Reducir efectivos enemigos y tomar el destacamento costero.
    4.- Desarticular control de carretera, eliminando todas las unidades enemigas.
    5.- Tomar el acuartelamiento militar y ejecutar al comandante del puesto.
    6.- Destruir los camiones de armamento y munición.

  8. Hi guys, I'm preparing an individual training maze. Around 80 OPFOR enemies are distributed within the circuit. There may be 8 or 10 players who individually make the tour.

    What I want is that if a player is killed in the middle of the circuit, without concluding it, all OPFOR units disappear and the script that places enemy units on the stage is activated again. In this way the next player can start the round with all the units in place.

    In short, it is that when PLAYER X dies, all OPFOR UNITS are deleted from the stage.


    {deleteVehicle _x} forEach [H_1,H_2,H_3,H_4,H_5,H_6,H_7,H_8,H_9,H_10,H_11,H_12];


    This may be a possible solution, but since there are 80 OPFOR units, I want to avoid the sausage

    Can somebody help me. Thank you.

  9. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    _crew1 = [];
    _airframe1 = [];
    _crew1 = creategroup EAST;
    _airframe1 = [getMarkerPos "stage_1", 40, "O_Heli_Light_02_dynamicLoadout_F", _crew1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
    _wp1 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getmarkerpos "stage_2"), 0];
    _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
    _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
    _wp1 setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
    _wp2 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getmarkerpos "stage_3"), 0];
    _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
    _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
    _wp2 setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
    _wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _x;} foreach thisList + [vehicle this];"];


    Hi guys, I use this little code to generate aerial ambience on stage. When the helicopter passes over you, if you hide and it does not detect you, it follows its route and disappears, but if it detects you you have a problem.

    To curl the curl, it would be interesting to control the height and speed, that is, even slower than the preset "LIMITED" and setting a certain height, normally lower.

    I have tried to do it with "limitSpeed" and flyInHeight, but it doesn't work.
    A help would be great.


  10. Hello again: Issue resolved satisfactorily. The help from wogz187 has been prodigious. With a few slight changes in one line of the code, the problem has been solved, as indicated:


    // PROPS 1 
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    _markerstr = createMarker ["PROPS_1",[13135.8,7675.32]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _height = 0;
    _vehicle = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Ural_F", (getMarkerPos "PROPS_1"),[],0,"NONE"];
    _dir = 0; 
    _vehicle setDir _dir;
    _vehicle setVehicleVarName "PROPS_1"; PROPS_1 = _vehicle;
    _vehicle enableSimulation false;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["SMOKE_1",[13135.8,7675.32]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _height = 0;
    [] spawn
    	private _fire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle getMarkerPos "SMOKE_1";
    	sleep 900;
    	deleteVehicle _fire;
    [] spawn
    sleep 1500;
    deleteVehicle PROPS_1;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["PROPS_2",[13162,7650.31]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _height = 0;
    _vehicle = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Ural_F", (getMarkerPos "PROPS_2"),[],0,"NONE"];
    _dir = 0; 
    _vehicle setDir _dir;
    _vehicle setVehicleVarName "PROPS_2"; PROPS_2 = _vehicle;
    _vehicle enableSimulation false;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["SMOKE_2",[13162,7650.31]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _height = 0;
    [] spawn
    	private _fire = createVehicle ["test_EmptyObjectForFireBig", getMarkerPos "SMOKE_2", [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    	sleep 900;
    	deleteVehicle _fire;
    [] spawn
    sleep 1500;
    deleteVehicle PROPS_2;










    It works perfectly in the editor and on the dedicated server.


    Thanks, guys. Today I will sleep more peacefully.


  11. Hi guys:
    With this little code, a burning object with a column of smoke appears on the map. When a house in ruins is used, the effect is achieved, because the fire comes from inside the cabin.

    The problem arises when it comes to smoke rising from the wreckage of a downed vehicle or helicopter. The smoke does not come out from the vehicle, but from one of its sides, which is very little credible.

    Is there a way to join or associate the fire with the object?

    This I use to create a battle environment on stage. It is very good to cross a burning vehicle on a road, but the smoke should come from inside the vehicle and not be generated outside.

    Help is appreciated. Thanks.



    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    _markerstr = createMarker ["PROPS_1",[13413.9,6621.1]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _height = 0.407013;
    _vehicle = createVehicle ["Land_d_House_Small_02_V1_F", (getMarkerPos "PROPS_1"),[],0,"NONE"];
    _dir = 0; 
    _vehicle setDir _dir;
    _vehicle setVehicleVarName "PROPS_1"; PROPS_1 = _vehicle;
    _vehicle enableSimulation false;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["SMOKE_1",[13417.9,6622.26]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _height = 0.896061;
    [] spawn
    	private _fire = "test_EmptyObjectForSmoke" createVehicle getMarkerPos "SMOKE_1";
    	sleep 900;
    	deleteVehicle _fire;
    [] spawn
    sleep 1500;
    deleteVehicle PROPS_1;

    I use two different map positionings to try and unite both elements. I have tried with the same positioning and the result does not improve.

  12. Hi Pierre, it works perfectly on the server. R3vo's note was there, but I didn't see it. Haste is not a good counselor... Thank you, Pierre.


    The correct code looks like this, in case someone needs it:


    0 = [] spawn {
    sleep 1;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_1",[12142.8,8434.15]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    [west,["task1"],["Take the military barracks and execute the post commander","MILITARY OBJECTIVE 1","marker_1"], getMarkerPos "marker_1" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    waitUntil{!(alive OFFICIAL_2)};
    ["task1", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
    sleep 30;
    ["end1", true] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_endMission", 0];


    • Like 1

  13. Hi guys:
    With this code, in the editor, when the objective is met, the task skips and 30 seconds later the END OF MISSION screen appears. It's exactly what I want to happen. But on the server it doesn't work the same. When the objective is fulfilled, after more than 30 seconds the mission closes, without appearing any END OF MISSION screen.
    I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. The truth is that a help would be great. Thanks.


    0 = [] spawn {
    sleep 1;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_1",[12142.8,8434.15]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    [west,["task1"],["Take the military barracks and execute the post commander","MILITARY OBJECTIVE 1","marker_1"], getMarkerPos "marker_1" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
    waitUntil{!(alive OFFICIAL_2)};
    ["task1", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
    sleep 30;
    endMission "END1";


  14. Yesterday, in the tests carried out, all the tasks worked well, but in some of them the text did not appear. Something like this: https://gyazo.com/e51a5e9aa997f67e441fc814e205a6dd

    When copying the line of code from Pierre's first answer, I also dragged an error, which must be produced by the code that generates the bold. I comment on it for information purposes.



    [west,["task1"],["Apoderarse del faro","Apoderarse del faro",""], getMarkerPos "marker_1" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;



    [west,["task1"],["Apoderarse del faro","Apoderarse del faro",""], getMarkerPos "marker_1" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate


    I usually use the Notepad, which does not display these characters. But, by chance, I opened the code with in Arma Edit and then I realized. The error in the code was there. I have corrected it and it worked perfectly.


    • Like 1

  15. Hola Pierre, en primer lugar gracias por tu ayuda.
    He cometido un error de principiante. Pruebo las misiones con una unidad OPFOR, para que no me maten. De esa manera pruebo todos los objetivos y veo si todo está en su lugar.

    Colocando los módulos de tareas en el mapa, que son visibles para los jugadores, no hay problema, porque soy un jugador de una unidad OPFOR. Al crear tareas por script, ya que están asociadas con WEST, no se activan si soy un jugador de OPFOR.

    Al final, utilizo GOD MODE en una unidad BLUFOR y las tareas se activan. Sin embargo, he tomado el primer objetivo y no se ha saltado la tarea para darlo como completado. Este es un problema que no sé por qué sucede.

    Ingresé tus sugerencias en el código y recibo un error al iniciar la misión desde el editor. En este enlace  https://gyazo.com/ea77801464118c9614bb827e0de3bf87 verás la imagen del error.


    In the dedicated server the error does not jump, but the modified tasks are not activated either.


    Guión modificado:

    // TASKS
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    0 = [] spawn {
    sleep 1;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_1",[13790.7,6387]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    [west,["task1"],["Apoderarse del faro","Apoderarse del faro",""], getMarkerPos "marker_1" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask;
    waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_1") < 5} count playableUnits > 0));};
    ["task1", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_2",[13667.5,6677.63]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    [west,["task2"],["Suprimir el puesto de vigilancia","Suprimir el puesto de vigilancia",""], getMarkerPos "marker_2" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask;
    waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_2") < 5} count playableUnits > 0));};
    ["task2", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_3",[13206,7435.65]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    [west,["task3"],["Neutralizar puesto de vigilancia","Neutralizar puesto de vigilancia",""], getMarkerPos "marker_3" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask;
    waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_3") < 10} count playableUnits > 0));};
    ["task3", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_4",[12825.3,7970.99]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    [west,["task4"],["Desarticular control de carretera","Desarticular control de carretera",""], getMarkerPos "marker_4" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask;
    waitUntil{sleep 1;(({isPlayer _x && _x distance (getMarkerPos "marker_4") < 10} count playableUnits > 0));};
    ["task4", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
    _markerstr = createMarker ["marker_5",[12142.8,8434.15]];
    _markerstr setMarkerShape "ICON";
    [west,["task5"],["Tomar acuartelamiento y eliminar oficial al mando","Tomar acuartelamiento y eliminar oficial al mando",""], getMarkerPos "marker_5" ,"CREATED",2,true,"move"] call BIS_fnc_setTask;
    waitUntil{!(alive OFFICIAL_2)};
    ["task5", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

