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Posts posted by taskmaster065

  1. I have a released another WW2 mission (3rd public release) on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1121161142


    MISSION SETTINGS: TYPE = Coop; PLAYERS: Min = 1 , Max = 17; RESPAWN = Side (including Teamswitch).<br/>
    MAP: Nogova; TIME: DayTime<br/>
    Injury system: BIS Basic<br/><br/>

    We are a single infantry squad protecting an injured tank crew until an evac team can arrive. We have two supporting Sherman tanks.<br/> <br/>

    Intel reports that an advancing enemy force consists of:<br/> 
    - one kubelwagon;<br/> 
    - one half track;<br/> 
    - four tanks; and<br/> 
    - about 30 soldiers.<br/><br/>

    We have been ordered to hold the village until it is safe to call in a rescue vehicle to evacuate the injured crew.<br/><br/> 

    Radio for armoured support (2 Shermans) when you need it.<br/> <br/> 

    Radio for the evac team when you think it is safe to evac the injured.<br/> <br/> 

    Our squad must :<br/>
    - stop the incoming enemy until the evac team can collect the injured:<br/> 
    - call the evac team when it is safe;<br/>
    - protect the evac vehicle until it gets to a safe evac location.<br/> 
    - save at least one of the injured.<br/> <br/> 

    EXTRA ADDONS:<br/>
    While not required to play this mission we do use the "CUP Low Grass Addon" when we play. You can find it's download link in this description: <br/>
    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=293256076 <br/><br/>

    MISSION NOTES: <br/>
    Units: one 11 man infantry squad and 6 crew in 2 Tanks (all can be AI or player). <br/>
    Scenes: Short Intro and multiple win and lose outros; <br/>
    Tasks: 6 tasks to complete; <br/>
    Time to complete: 30 minutes (approx). <br/><br/>

  2. I have a released another WW2 mission on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1121098414



    MISSION SETTINGS: TYPE = Coop; PLAYERS: Min = 1 , Max = 17; RESPAWN = Side (including Teamswitch).<br/>
    MAP: WW2:Omaha(I44); TIME: DayTime<br/>
    Injury system: BIS Basic<br/><br/>

    We are a single infantry squad protecting an injured tank crew until an evac team can arrive.<br/> <br/> 

    Intel reports that an advancing enemy force consists of:<br/> 
    - one half track;<br/> 
    - at least 3 tanks; and<br/> 
    - about 30 soldiers.<br/> <br/> 

    We have been order to hold the village until it is safe to call in a rescue vehicle to evacuate the injured crew.<br/><br/> 

    Radio for armoured support (1 Sherman and 1 Stuart) when you need it.<br/> <br/> 

    We have two medics to support us. Call them via the SUPPORT MENU: "F1-5-1".<br/><br/> 

    Radio for the evac team when you think it is safe to evac the injured.<br/> <br/> 

    We have been ordered to hold the current village.<br/><br/> 

    Our squad must :<br/>
    - stop the incoming enemy until the evac team can collect the injured:<br/> 
    - call the evac team when it is safe;<br/>
    - protect the evac vehicle until it gets to a safe evac location.<br/> 
    - save at least one of the injured.<br/> <br/> 

    EXTRA ADDONS:<br/>
    While not required to play this mission we do use the "CUP Low Grass Addon" when we play. You can find it's download link in this description: <br/>
    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=293256076 <br/><br/>

    MISSION NOTES: <br/>
    Units: one 11 man infantry squad and 6 crew in 2 Tanks (all can be AI or player). <br/>
    Scenes: Short Intro and multiple win and lose outros; <br/>
    Tasks: 6 tasks to complete; <br/>
    Time to complete: 30 minutes (approx). <br/><br/>

    HAVE FUN and ENJOY...Remember it is just a game.<br/><br/>

    If this rates well (ie Thumbs Up) I will release some more of the missions we play.



  3. I have a released a WW2 mission on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1118900545



    MISSION SETTINGS: TYPE = Coop; PLAYERS: Min = 1 , Max = 13; RESPAWN = Side (including Teamswitch).<br/>
    MAP: WW2:Omaha(I44); TIME: DayTime<br/>
    Injury system: Alternate Injury System (AIS) by Psycho<br/><br/>

    An enemy convoy is returning four tank crews to their tanks in a village. <br/>
    We have set up an ambush to eliminate the convoy and crews before they can return to their tanks.<br/><br/>

    We are one lone squad. Intel reports that the advancing enemy force consists of: <br/>
    - five half tracks; <br/>
    - one tank; <br/>
    - about 16 tank crew returning to their tanks; and <br/>
    - about 30 soldiers. <br/><br/>

    We have one dammaged Sherman tank with low ammo and fuel to assist us. Call for it using the radio.<br/>
    We have one medic to support our squad.<br/><br/>

    Our squad must eliminate all the incoming enemy. <br/><br/>

    EXTRA ADDONS:<br/>
    While not required to play this mission we do use the "CUP Low Grass Addon" when we play. You can find it's download link in this description:<br/>
    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=293256076 <br/><br/>

    MISSION NOTES: <br/>
    Units: one 10 man infantry squad and 3 crew of a Sherman Tank (all can be AI or player). <br/>
    Scenes: Short Intro and multiple win and lose outros; <br/>
    Tasks: 6 tasks to complete; <br/>
    Time to complete: 30 minutes (approx). <br/><br/>

    HAVE FUN and ENJOY...Remember it is just a game.<br/><br/> 

  4. Thanks for ideas.


    We are already using AIS so with a little help from Psycho I was able to trigger an end scene. This is the trigger condition (see AIS thread mentioned) I used to detected when all players were dead or incapacitated:


    "({!alive _x || {_x getVariable ["AIS_unconscious", false]}} count playableUnits) >= (count playableUnits)"


    When trigger activated I executed end scene script:


    "[] execVM "Scene_Outro_Loser.sqf;"

  5. We use respawn "SIDE: or "GROUP" in all our missions as we play with MP using teamSwitch. Building missions which allow teamSwitch allows us to play coop games when we do not enough players to fill all playable roles and the AI is being stupid. Also great when an AI cannot do something or is taking to long to do it (e.g. gets stuck, healing a wounded soldier, going into/out of buildings").

  6. Hi


    I have made a coop mission. I want to run a script (which does a short end movie) after all players have died, and then end the mission using BIS_fnc_EndMission.

    However, the mission ends as soon as the last playable man is killed and the standard "MISSION FAILED -All players died" ending occurs.


    We are playing/testing it in the 3den editor (ie 3D editor) as non-dedicated server via LAN.


    I am using 3D editor and have the following settings set within the editor in Attributes->Multiplayer menu:

    - Respawn: Switch to side member;


    - Ruleset:

    -> Mission fail when everyone dead: not ticked

    -> Single player death screen: not ticked

    -> Switch to another character: ticked


    - Allow Manual Respawn: ticked

    - Enable Team Switch: ticked


    I have spent hours searching online with no luck.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  7. Hi


    I have made a coop mission. I want to run a script (which does a short end movie) after all players have died, and then end the mission using BIS_fnc_EndMission.

    However, the mission ends as soon as the last playable man is killed and the standard "MISSION FAILED -All players died" ending occurs.


    I am using 3D editor and have the following settings set within the editor in Attributes->Multiplayer menu:

    - Respawn: Switch to side member;


    - Ruleset:

    -> Mission fail when everyone dead: not ticked

    -> Single player death screen: not ticked

    -> Switch to another character: ticked


    - Allow Manual Respawn: ticked

    - Enable Team Switch: ticked


    I have spent hours searching online with no luck.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  8. I found this Graph showing "skill vs skillFinal vs Profile Difficulty"  here:


    Graph notes:

    1) This still appears to hold true for ArmA 3 version 1.74.142559.

    2) The "Effective skill" is the value returned from skillFinal function for any sub-skill.

    3) The "Profile difficulty" can be either " Game Difficulty: AI Level: Skill or Precision".

    3.1) Setting " Game Difficulty: AI Level: Precision" value alters the skillFinal value of "aimingAccuracy and "aimingShake".

    3.2) Setting " Game Difficulty: AI Level: Skill" value alters the skillFinal value for all the other sub-skills.


    It is my understanding that the only critical number is the skillFinal value for each sub-skill (i.e "aimingAccuracy", "aimingShake" etc). It does not matter how this value is determined/calculated (i.e. any combination of Game Difficulty, editor skill slider, setSkill function etc).


    Based on this premise I have been doing the following:

    A) Setting my sub-skill values within my init.sqf file as follows:

        _x setskill ["aimingShake",0.2];
        _x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.2];
    } forEach allUnits;"


    B) Making and testing my missions using the "Normal" AI difficulty setting (i.e."AI Level: Skill" =0.7, "AI Level: Precision" = 0.5).


    Using this approach someone can play my mission as I intended by setting the Game Difficulty of AI to "Normal". If they think it is to easy then they can increase it to "Expert" or make it easier by setting "Novice". This approach should work base on the graph above and I believe it is how BIS planned it to work.

  9. @Grumpy Old Man

    Thank you very much. I will have a look at it tomorrow.


    I have produced a table below that shows(on average) how many shots it takes for an AI soldier to hit an enemy soldier from varying distances (100m,250m) after he first sees(spots) the target.

    Note that these tests done using ArmA 3 version 1.74.142559


    Below is a table summarising my basic test results.

    Column 1 is skillFinal for both "aimingAccuracy and "aimingShake".(As I understand it, some function of skill and AI precision produces the FINAL sub-skill value).
    Column 2 number of shots when target is 100m away.
    Column 2 number of shots when target is 250m away.


    skillFinal,    100m,    250m
    1.00,        2.0,    2.1        
    0.75,        2.0,    2.3
    0.50,        1.7,    3.8
    0.25,        2.5,    7.7
    0.20,        3.6,    12.    
    0.10,        7.7,    27.
    0.00,        >60,    >60

    1) Both AI soldier and his target are prone (i.e. lying down).
    2) the AI soldier is a CSAT Rifleman firing an Katiba 6.5mm.
    3) At 500m or more the AI does not fire.
    4) 20 tests were done to determine each value.
    5) Tests done using ArmA 3 version 1.74.142559
    6) These values can be converted to a probability (eg. 3.8 shots = 26.3% (100/3.8) chance a shot will hit it's target).


    From the table, a prone AI soldier with skillFinal value of 0.50 for both "aimingAccuracy and "aimingShake" will have a 26.3% probability of hitting a prone target 250m away once the target has been spotted for the first time. Looking at the raw data, he will hit the target within 2 shots 30% of the time.

    • Like 1

  10. Hi

    I will limit this post to AI Precision ( i.e. the ability of an AI soldier to shoot and hit you). Grab a cuppa and lets get started...


    I (and my brothers) have been playing this series since the demo of OFP came out (in 2001 in think).
    It is a fantastic game (SP and MP-4 player coop) and we have spent way to many hours playing and building missions to play on LAN via non-dedicated server.


    All I want is to be able to set/know what chance (i.e. probability) an AI has to hit another solder when he shoots.
    While there are all these skill settings (e.g. aimingShake, amingAaccuracy atc) the end result is the probability that a solder will hit his target when he fires.


    This could be done in three ways:
    1) you set this value within the editor; or
    2) This value is calculated by the engine and shown to you in the attribute panel for a soldier (it would change as you change the soldiers skills, weapon etc). It could even be a function in the debug console (if that is easier to implement).

    3) the way we all do it now...run lots of repeatable tests until we get a a set of skill levels to give the AI precision we like (i.e. we think is realistic)...lots of wasted time and it's boring!!!!

    Note that the probability of hitting a target will depend a many factors and BIS has many of these coded in now.


    IMHO one of the most import factor is how accurate (i.e. probability to hit) a soldier is on the first shot and how this improves with each success shot. When a player shoots the biggest factor is estimating how far away the target is (assuming no wind, no fatigue etc). Normally you estimate distance, fire, look for feedback (like soldier hit or dust near him), then adjust your aim/sights accordingly and then fire again. with each shot your accuracy improves (ie higher probability to hit target) until you reach some base limit, determined by stance, weapon dispersion, weapon attachments,health, fatigue etc).


    I note that BIS has started a move toward this approach by implementing the "skillFinal" function. For the first time you can check the actual skill of a soldier. However, it is still NOT related to actual soldiers ability (eg. hit probability, ( well not that I know about) ) and you have to carry out hours of testing to find a setting you like (as a lot I people have done judging by the posts here, and that includes me). But at least now once I have a soldier I like I can look at the skillFinal results for that soldier and then adjust settings to match this on other AI soldiers. Also I can see the affect of changing the Difficulty mode.

    Defining an average soldier abilities
    I think it would be very useful to define the skill set for an "Average" soldier and relate him to physical/scientific values. An "Average" soldier would be defined as his abilities when:

    a) Skill = 0.5: and

    a) the Difficulty mode is set to "Normal".

    BIS could pick what this is and clearly specify the physical/scientific capabilities of this soldier for example:
    1) graph showing a soldiers probability to hit target on first shot for varying distances (assuming prone and no weapon dispersion )
    2) repeat for other sub-skills.


    Once this has been done then every one knows the capabilities of an "Average" soldier. The most important part of this is to make capabilities related to the soldier's physical performance. For examples:
    reloadSpeed= 0.5 is related to the time(in seconds) the "Average" soldier takes to reload his current weapon;
    aimingSpeed= 0.5 is related to the time (in seconds) to aim his current weapon for first shot;


    Note that some functions must be given to see the actual values as they will varying depending on weapon, stance etc. For example:

    !) " Man1 reloadSpeedTime CurrentWeapon, would return time in seconds for "Man1" to reload his current weapon;

    2) "Man1 probabilityToHitOnFirstShot [Target1] ,would return probability of Man1 hitting Target1 on First shot.

    3) "Man1 ShotsToHit [Target1], average shots man1 will take to hit Target1 from first shot.


    Note the above functions could(should?) be based on the current state of Man1 ( ie stance, fatigue, injuries, weapon attachements).

    These values could be shown in a sub-panel of a units Attributes Panel.


    This approach takes all the guess-work/testing out of it and it becomes a simple science/engineering process of setting skill values to a soldier's physical abilities you want.


    Once everyone knows these values then everyone is starting for the same physical information. Also adjusting them (i.e. scaling them) become easy, for example increasing reloadSpeed from 0.5 to 0.55 changes the reloading by 10% and we would know exactly how many seconds that change would be.


    While it could be argue that this is they way it is already is done, the issue is that the value (0.0 to 1.0) specified by a skill (or sub-skill) levels is not easily related to any soldier ability in a physical/scientific way.


    Another benefit of this is that if BIS later changes the parameters of a "Standard" soldier a mission make could easily edit his mission to adjust the skill of a soldier until the the setting are back to what he wanted (eg. mission makers original probability to hit a target). you would not have to go back and do hours a testing to find the correct values that replicate what the AI did prior to BIS making a change.

    • Like 2

  11. Hi,

    This is a great script. I have done a few convoy missions (since OFP was initially released in 2001) and always had the AI being stupid as everyone knows.

    I have installed this script and the results are great.


    I was wondering if it was possible to do the following:

    1) stop and start the convoy (eg via a trigger)? This would be great for when a convoy reaches a town and needs to wait until something happens before proceeding.

    2) set the spacing between the vehicles (for some of my missions it is too large).


    Also, just thinking about modifying this script. Would be possible to have a lead vehicle that used normal waypoints and then use a modified version of this script to get the other vehicles to follow the lead vehicle. this would:

    a) allow you to use standard waypoints instead of having to create specific convoy markers;

    b) allow you to synchronize the convoys movement using triggers (and other waypoints) like normal units/vehicles.


    There would be issues that would have to be addressed, for example:

    A)You would have to have to stop convoy whenever lead vehicle changed behaviour (ie from default).

    B) How to handle case when lead vehicle is destroyed.


    But if implemented it would provide a more standard (and useful) approach to convoys.

    Anyway, I thought I might mention this concept as it may be possible to achieve this without to much modification.


    Thanks for all the work that has gone into this script already. It is great!
