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Posts posted by Cdnmntman

  1. Honestly I thought I was very clear in saying Tanoa and Malden escape maps and stated exactly what we were trying to accomplish! ( re read my post!) as their is no epi pen drops or loot containers that contain them as well playing with advanced ballistics it would be nice to have the AgtraxMX , kestrel and vector21 in the inventory we are aware their are maps BI have editing restricted on as ebp's  not pbo's all we want is a new dynamic and challenge on maps we already enjoy.  share with others but seems it is hard to get any form of a answer on these forums with out being harassed or judged! came here looking for a little help and maybe some direction some community this is 

  2. So tell me what is the difference between altering a altis or stratis map by adding ace components? the maps that come with the game as well as the missions we are looking to add ace too are also part of the game and are part of the open source that bohemia has released. we have seen the same maps edited poorly released on steam over the past Cpl months if it was another modders work we would certainly ask but as we are not editing anything outside of the load outs so the ace items stay in the inventory as part of the load out. no where has bohemia said a person cant mod their maps and as far as I know their is no lock or restriction on editing as everything we have done has been done with the Eden editing tool 

  3. Hey all,

    We are looking for some help converting and setting up some new load outs on Tanoa Escape & Malden Escape with Ace 3 installed we have the ace installed and is working great, But we are having major issue with the editing of the load out of the team as we want to make changes to the default load out, weapons and gear mainly as we are wanting to run advanced medical and ballistics. We had it installed and had it working in our first attempt but after a respawn the load out resets to default as well their are no epi pens available for loot from crates or from dead bodies. anyone able to help or has some advice as to how to resolve the issue would be greatly appreciated as we just want something for the community to enjoy that adds a new dynamic to the game to share on our Dedicated server. 

  4. OK yes i will do that right now thanks it looks like what i was looking for i will just be happy just to get the server to respond to any of those maps on start up as the default stratus map seems to always reload after a restart 

    i will let you know if it works 


    Update yes the script loads and runs great many thanks for your time, As I have been having problems with finding the Tanoa escape & combat patrol missions i have not seen it rotate maps yet but i am sure it will as it all looks correct and loaded fine. I do wish Bohemia would update their list and guide the one you linked to me earlier  on wiki to better suit the newer selection of maps and missions as the most recent list and guide i have has all the missions and maps except the Maldon and Tanoa escape and combat missions. And these are the main missions we like to play on a regular basis . Myself hold Bohemia at fault for not keeping the community up to date as i have contacted them as well trying to get an idea as to how to get the proper mission list for Maldon and Tanoa only to  get a reply saying we don't give support to mods. and what i was asking for is part of the main game. early versions were always supported and the community updated to the changes. maybe its part of the host companies as well for not making a point of requesting the information as well all i know now at least we have something that is working much better and will continue to search for the map missions we currently play many thanks again 


    w ehust cycled the missions and the malden escape isnt working and hangs up on altis map but i will look and see if i can get the load paths to match the server files thanks again for the help

  5. Hello. I am looking for someone with experience to help set up our server I have past experience but am having a problem with setting up our server hosted by GTXgameservers with getting the main map to stay on a rotation of Tanoa and Malden escape.  and Tanoa & Malden combat patrols. i have tried a cpl times to edit the missions text but and try to find the correct paths. but as far as i have gotten is to fix the Malden hang up after a failed mission and can not get any of the missions for Tanoa combat patrol and escape. if someone could help or point me in the correct direction it would be greatly appreciated as I am seriously stuck.   

  6. i am looking for something like this 

    a3\missions_f_exp\campaign\missions\exp_m01.tanoa but so i can run tanoa escape and malden escape no body seems to have the correct mission names and i have tried a few different combinations but it freezes up at the first loading screen as i am sure the directery name is wrong 


  7. Do you work for GTX as well? I know how to ad a rotation and as i don't want to run a atilas marksman test map that script does not help as I already know how to run a map rotation once again I am looking for tanoa and malden mission scripts or line commands Funny thing is you linked the same thing GTX staff cut and paste to me. it contains no script or command lines for tanoa or maldon maps as I need the map and mission names for the said above please read before replying but thanks anyways but that is not what I am looking for

  8. I have been trying to find the command script for the missions tanoa escape, maldon escape and combat patrol for both maps so we can set our server to have a consistent map rotation of the 4 missions I can find all the other map and missions in the lists but nothing for the tanoa and maldon maps so if someone has this similar rotation running on their server can you please share the Config file name or even the script would even be better as GTX gaming has no clue as to how to get or find the map and mission names and the ones i have found don't work properly thanks in advance for any and all help
