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Everything posted by canninball80@yahoo.com

  1. canninball80@yahoo.com

    Name Not Found in Credits List?

    I don't know if I did it wrong but I did follow what this thread said and found all of the supporters names . and I did ctrl + F to find my own name in there. And I did this with notepad and notepad ++. To no avail, I couldn't find my name. All I got was "Find, Could not find*my name here*." I mean I legit only bought the supporter edition to have my names in the credit. I only have 4 hours played on Aram 3. Please help me find my name in the credits. See what I don't see.
  2. canninball80@yahoo.com

    Name Not Found in Credits List?

    I ordered it during 2013 and I never received an email from them stating any of that. I did screenshot my inbox from at that time. I looked for any recent if not any time from then until now, checked my spam folder and I never got one. https://gyazo.com/745c655ca31b2c7ba85c42eed52d30d8 also I have a screenshot from when I activated the key they gave me on steam. https://gyazo.com/b62f54365ce84e62202717706bd8b7ec
  3. canninball80@yahoo.com

    Name Not Found in Credits List?

    I even have a screenshot of my purchases. https://gyazo.com/7aaca8791ff5b3ceb6dca130fbc27d16