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About fetito666

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  1. fetito666

    Arma 3 websites

    The basics, single player mostly so far. I do not exclude multiplayer though.
  2. fetito666

    Arma 3 websites

    Hello! Could someone please recommend me some useful Arma 3-websites? Thank you!
  3. fetito666

    Uprading to the Digital Deluxe Edition?

    Nevermind, Steam just granted me a refund for the APEX expansion and for 7 extra bucks I was able to buy the APEX-Edition which contains everything that I wanted.
  4. Hello! I have the base game and bought APEX yesterday. And I don't see any information on upgrading to the Digital Deluxe Edition on Steam. The URL from the official website leads to a dead link: https://support.bistudio.com/search?q=upgrade All I want is to upgrade my Arma 3 (which already has APEX) to the Digital Deluxe edition which contains the PDF file of the "Tactical Guide", the map and also the great soundtrack! Thank you!
  5. fetito666

    minidayz version android?

    1) Is the web version of MiniDayZ compatible with the Android version? 2) Is MiniDayZ for Android for free for owners of DayZ on Steam?