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7Cav Whitsel

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Posts posted by 7Cav Whitsel

  1. So I'm working on a scenario that would include a mortar or artillery battery of 4 guns. I want one to be player controlled and the other 3 to be AI controlled and to mimic the player artillery's rotation, elevation, and firing. I've attempted to use weaponDirection, but I cannot get the elevation of the weapon from this. I also cannot seem to set the elevation on the other artillery pieces. Any recommendations on where to look?

  2. 1 hour ago, CreepPork said:

    @7Cav Whitsel

    There are two Advanced Composition modules, one is in Spawn category - which spawns your compositions and the second one is in Development Tools, where you can edit Advanced Compositions.


    I see it now. Figured it was something obvious I wasn't seeing. 

  3. I have what I hope to be a simple question here. I'm trying to use the advanced composition tool in Zeus but am running into a little issue. I can't seen to figure out how to get it to switch between the "save new stuff" mode and "put down old stuff" mod. Screen shots to show what I mean


    Here I have the option to create new compositions or edit or delete old ones




    Here I actually have the option to spawn them, but I've only gotten this to come up once accidentally. This is what I'm searching for



    Any help appreciated, thank you in advance
