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About CMC_Smith

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  1. To which config would I add them to? New to Terrian Builder, picking it up for my community. Edit: I looked into the configs, and for starters, I looked into one .p3d. e76_betonblock I looked into it's corresponding config and it was most definitely in the config, but for some reason pboProject is saying its missing.
  2. To my knowledge, I've repathed every needed file.
  3. @UrbanizedGamerz Having some troubled.... I'm getting a lot of missing land_xx classes... Such as: missing class land_e76_hotel:house missing class land_panelak3:house missing class land_e76_bridge1_asf2_pylon:house Etc. Any suggestions?
  4. Thank you so much! Been working on getting the files together for a week now! You just saved so much time!