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  1. Dear developers, please do a paid reload of transport on warlords. Players from the blue team use rhino as artillery, the reds do not have this because artillery is prohibited on the server. Often, players leave the server due to this imbalance. Perhaps my proposal will help to reach a compromise. Arma 3 fan and regular player eu3 Warlords <<HUNTER>>
  2. Hi, dear developers, why not create a multiplayer game in point capture mode? Almost all altis life and exile servers, why not hardcore tvt and pvp servers in vanilla arma 3? A good example of such a EUTW server, and this server is dead. We have a lot of servers where we have altis-life and exile, where we have donated, and we don't have good hardcore tvt servers to capture flags or capture points and fight of territory, pvp wars and so on. I doubt if there is any point in writing, but I will be calm that although I tried to change something. Sorry for my bad English and what I immediately wrote in Russian, violating the rules of the forum, your old loyal fan of arma 3

    Zafir bug, sight

    "Zafir" bug, if I'm sitting in the sight ARCO, RCO, MRCO, ERCO, the ghillie camouflage (sometimes helmet) textures close the whole view while move
  4. Zafir ошибка, если я сижу в виде ARCO, RCO, MRCO, ERCO, то Ghillie камуфляж (иногда шлет), текстура закрыть весь вид то время как двигаться. Сожалею. я не говорю по-английски Добрый день, обнаружил баг с пулеметом Зафир и прицелы ARCO, RCO, MRCO, ERCO, если надеть маскировочный костюм "гилли" и глядя в прицеле двигаться, текстуры камуфляж (иногда шлем) закрывает весь обзор