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Lucas Andreatta

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About Lucas Andreatta

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. Hello, can anyone help me? I would like to do a mission of dominating the island using the "ALIVE", but would like a system that as you gain ground, is releasing new resources to buy armor, cars and units.
  2. Lucas Andreatta

    Spawn ammo caches and marks

    Please :'(
  3. Lucas Andreatta

    Spawn ammo caches and marks

    Can someone CREATE this script for me?
  4. Lucas Andreatta

    Spawn ammo caches and marks

    But does bis_fnc_spawnGroup dynamically respawn AI? How does the spawn cache and markup script work?
  5. Lucas Andreatta

    Spawn ammo caches and marks

    alive is better
  6. Lucas Andreatta

    Spawn ammo caches and marks

    I'm going to use alive module systems to spawn AI
  7. Lucas Andreatta

    Spawn ammo caches and marks

    0 = [] spawn { if (isServer) then { while {true} do { { _unit = _x; if !(_unit getVariable ["hasIntelEVH",false]) then { _unit addEventHandler ["killed",{ params ["_unit"]; if (random 100 < ("droprate" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue) ) then { _suitcase = "Land_Suitcase_F" createVehicle (getpos _unit); [_suitcase,["Pick up INTEL", {params ["_suitcase","_caller","_id"]; hint "you have intel, clever one, you."; [_suitcase,_id] remoteExec ["removeAction"]; deleteVehicle _suitcase } ] ] remoteExec ["addAction",0,_suitcase]; }; }]; _unit setVariable ["hasIntelEVH",true]; }; } forEach (allUnits select {side _x == EAST}); sleep 10; }; }; }; the drop intel script, how i do?
  8. Lucas Andreatta

    Spawn ammo caches and marks

    In case the cache will spawn randomly in that area I mentioned above.
  9. Lucas Andreatta

    Spawn ammo caches and marks

    For example, takes 10 (ten) intels, marks on the map an ellipse with the cache position of 400x400. Grab another 10 intels, the ellipse turns from 300x300 and so on until you get 50x50 or smaller.
  10. Lucas Andreatta

    Spawn ammo caches and marks

    It could be inside an ellipse marker, but as it takes the intel, it has to be approaching the possible location of the cache. The goal is to stay dynamic to the point where the creator of the mission has no idea where the cache might be.
  11. Hello, I am creating an insurgency mission, I already have the script to make the AI drop intel, but I need another one to make Spawn ammo caches and another one for when to get the intel, go creating marks with the distances from the Cache. Intel script: 0 = [] spawn { if (isServer) then { while {true} do { { _unit = _x; if !(_unit getVariable ["hasIntelEVH",false]) then { _unit addEventHandler ["killed",{ params ["_unit"]; if (random 100 < ("droprate" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue) ) then { _suitcase = "Land_Suitcase_F" createVehicle (getpos _unit); [_suitcase,["Pick up INTEL", {params ["_suitcase","_caller","_id"]; hint "you have intel, clever one, you."; [_suitcase,_id] remoteExec ["removeAction"]; deleteVehicle _suitcase } ] ] remoteExec ["addAction",0,_suitcase]; }; }]; _unit setVariable ["hasIntelEVH",true]; }; } forEach (allUnits select {side _x == EAST}); sleep 10; }; }; };
  12. Lucas Andreatta

    AI drop item

    I had an idea, every INTEL acquired, add 1 score. When you add (example) 5 score, it activates a trigger to spawn a possible cache area marker. A question: What causes more lag in the mission, scripts or triggers?
  13. Lucas Andreatta

    AI drop item

    Taking advantage of the post, I got a way to spawn caches without scripts, but as I do when I get INTEL, there will appear marks on the map approaching the location of the cache?
  14. Lucas Andreatta

    AI drop item

    Hell yeah, it worked !!! thank you so much!