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About Spermatogenesis

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  1. Spermatogenesis

    Trying to use faction config file in editor mission

    I think you're being a bit too harsh BroBeans, the change Donkey made to my config file worked as intended. So thank you Donkey
  2. Spermatogenesis

    Trying to use faction config file in editor mission

    Yes, I also started it up with only the mods I needed to see if any others I was using may have been interfering, same thing happened.
  3. Spermatogenesis

    Trying to use faction config file in editor mission

    I followed that tutorial (I did edit the loadouts), but when I tried to boot up Arma I received this message: File us_101ad\addons\test\autogen.hpp, line 230: /CfgVehicles/B_US101AD_Rifleman_Light_01.EventHandlers: Undefined base class 'EventHandlers' The Rifleman_Light is the first unit in the code, and I assume the same "undefined base class" thing happens with the rest of the units as well. This is the line of code for the Rifleman: class B_US101AD_Rifleman_Light_01 : B_mas_ww2_Soldier_lite_F_us_hd { author = "Spermatogenesis"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Rifleman (Light)"; side = 1; faction = "US_101AD"; identityTypes[] = { "Head_NATO" , "LanguageENG_F" }; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_unit = _this select 0;_onSpawn = {_unit = _this select 0;_unit setUnitLoadout [['LIB_M1_Garand','','','',['LIB_8Rnd_762x63',8],[],''],[],[],['U_mas_ww2_B_CombatUniform_us',[['FirstAidKit',1],['LIB_8Rnd_762x63',10,8],['LIB_US_Mk_2',1,1]]],['V_mas_ww2_vest_USB',[['LIB_8Rnd_762x63',6,8]]],[],'H_mas_ww2_helmet_usn_B','',[],['','','','','','']];reload _unit;};[_unit] call _onSpawn;_unit addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; I'm not sure what the problem is. Isn't the lines from "class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers" down to "['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};";" the EventHandler? If so, how is it undefined? I feel like it doesn't have any reason to not work.
  4. Hello everyone! I've run into a bit of a problem. Using the ORBAT tool from ALIVE, I created a faction for a scenario I was building. Unfortunately, the game crashed when I went back into the editor (thus the faction did not save). Luckily I had copied the factions config file before it crashed. Now my question is, how do I use the config to bring the faction back into the mission? I know it has to do with pbos, but I'm not too well-versed on them, so any help is appreciated. I have no idea if the config file is needed, but I'll include it anyway. It makes use of the IFA3_AIO_LITE and WW2_units_mas mods. https://pastebin.com/9vssZnfU