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About J'j

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  1. Ok im having kind of a similar problem. I am trying to join a modded server (Demonic RP) but everytime I try joining from the direct connect button from menu when u double click or start arma 3 up it starts the game but once in-game it just freezes fully on a background that says Arma 3 Apex (like the loading screen) and doesnt do anything from there and once i try to find it ingame it doesnt find it anywhere even with direct connect. I would be really thankful if somebody could tell me what could be the problem and is it cause i installed the mods incorrect or just a problem on my client side finding the server (I should have all mods downloaded correctly cause i downloaded them in Arma 3 sync with the auto-config url). Thanks (and I know i might be kinda late for this post but might aswell give it a shot)