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Everything posted by BAMSLAM

  1. "Early Bird Gets the Worm" Joint Task Force 179 Members In the early hours of the morning conducting a raid against a Taliban drug house somewhere in Kandahar. Not wanting to risk exposure to harsh chemicals, the team members (many of which shown here are former DEA FAST members) have been issued with respirators. Pre-Op: Team members planning their entrance on a nearby ridge overlooking the compound. Execution: The Team leaves its Marksman behind on over watch while the vehicles quickly storm the building. Meanwhile, the team quickly breaches the perimeter, dispatching some Gunmen before capturing a local Taliban commander inside. Post-Op: After capturing the commander, the squad decides to take some pictures before returning to base. Addons: Reshmaan, SMA, CUP, Spec4Gear, Military Gear Pack, Aspis, Road Runner's MICH2001, Road Runner's Ops Core, RHAFRF, RHUSAF, NiArms MP5, Complementary Police Pack, Arma Role Play Objects, Bloodlust, Dirone's Anims and Rismarck's poses
  2. "Mountain Man" Blue Squadron member posing on top of a mountain in Afghanistan - 2011 Addons: Reshmaan, Road Runner's 6094, Road Runner's MICH 2001, SMA, 75th Rangers, VSM Uniforms (With my own custom re-texture for hunting shirt) and Direone's Anims
  3. "Night Shift" Joint Task Force 179 Operators moments before conducting a raid on a Taliban safe house somewhere in Kabul - 2018 Joint Task Force 179 is a fictional Joint Task Force consisting of Green Berets, CIA SAD/GRS and DEA FAST operators. They were deployed to Afghanistan in 2018 as Taliban activity began to steadily increase after the official U.S. withdrawal. Fearing the now real possibility of another Taliban Government, the U.S. gave the green-light for the assembly of Joint Task Force 179. Addons: Reshmaan, SMA, MICH2001, OPSCORE, ASPIS, RHSUSAF, RHSAFRF, Spec4Gear, Hidden Identity v3, NIArms AKs, RDS Civillians, CUP Terrains Core, Military Gear Pack, L3-GPNVG 18s, Rismarcks poses and Direone's anims.
  4. "Total War" Volkssturm being instructed to take up firing positions on a street in Berlin - April 1945 IFA3, FOW, Rismarck's poses, LEN weapons pack, Geist (with my own re-textures for armbands), Eastern Collaborationists (with my own re-textures for armbands), ASCZ_Heads
  5. Three Red Squadron Members posing after a firefight during a mounted patrol in Afghanistan - 2011. Addons: Hazar-Kot Valley 75th rangers Road Runner's Uniforms and 6094 ASCZ heads Extra RHS uniforms retexture Nato_Rus_Vehicles SMA Military Gear Pack Direone's Anims
  6. Task Force 88 Capturing HVTs In Iraq - 2006. Mods: Reshmaan Province UKSF TRYK 75th Rangers SMA USP Patches & Insignias RHSUSAF CUP Direone's anims 3CB BAF
  7. CIA GRS operators conducting deep cover operations against Syndikat on Tanoa - 2017 Addons: VSM Spec4Gear NIArms AK's Direone's animations 75th Rangers
  8. Two CAG operators conducting an ATV patrol in the Hazar-Kot Valley - 2004. Mods: Hazar-Kot Valley 75th Rangers Mich 2001 Spec4gear 2000 era US smocks SMA Military Gear Pack RHSUSAF