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About Durcaz

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  1. How do i make an objective in the eden editor? Its the final step and i really wanna finish a mission. All the tutorials are out dated and im super confused.
  2. So ive been messing around in the editor for the past 7 hours and i have made a mission im actually kind of proud of. Problem is, i cant figure out how to create an objective and im about to gouge my eyes out with a spork because ive been trying to create objectives specifically for an hour already and im getting nowhere. All the tutorials i have watched were terrible and i need some 1 on 1 help. pls help this editor noob in need.
  3. (language warning) So i have been messing around with the editor and it has been fun. But i cant create a task. Its getting really fuckin annoying. I have been making my first mission for 6.5 hours and all i need to do is create the objective. Which is to kill a person inside of a tank (basically destroy the tank) but all the tutorial vids are from 2013 and the one recent one i was able to find used a wedding scenario as a joke but didn't help at all. Someone pls help. I have 600 hrs in arma 3 and i love the game but im just out of ideas.
  4. Mod has been removed from the steam workshop. Is there a known reason for this? That is where i installed it as i could not get it to work when i installed it from here. :( Someone help pls