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Heimer Dinger

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About Heimer Dinger

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  1. I hope Arma 4 will be released sooner than later.. There are a lot nice things waiting with a newer gameengine.
  2. If you don't know the features you better stop saying Ryzen is a bad CPU. It's defently not. The main Probelm with performance in Arma 3 is the old and crappy Engine itself. Also you won't have any CPU issue aboth 1080p resolution due GFX is taking over most Tasks. It's the missing Engine compatibilty. BIS Dev keep quiet about this and push DLC's for a old Game to grab some cash for a Arma 4 with Multicore Support. Already forgot... this game was 32bit only not a long time ago.. You wont get hight FPS in Arma 3 no matter what Rig you buy specially in KotH or other bigger Simulations. It's a pretty much outdated game regarding new Technologies. If you want to let your Ryzen shine, you wait for optimized Titels like S:C or BF1.. Those already support Multicore Ryzen Technology very well.
  3. Heimer Dinger

    ARMA3 & Ryzen

    I'm just wondering. Ryzen beats the released Intel 6+ Core in Arma. Still I wonder.. In the thread posted you see high CPU usage only on one core. Since Intel also decided to push more 6+ Core CPUs I just wonder if we will see more optimisation in that direction or if we should keep care on our old 4 core rigs ;) no drama here about a few less fps... Just wondering if BIS is jumping on the multithreading hypetrain :)
  4. With Skylake-X and Broadwell-X also coming fast with more than 4 Cores I would really like to see a Statement from BIS how future HW Support and Utilisation will look.
  5. Well I wonder if a Dev could give a short statement about the future support and utilisation of the up coming Ryzen 2 and Skylake X will be. Im upgrading to a decent Ryzen built and post some benchmarks. Let's see how it goes
  6. Heimer Dinger

    ARMA3 & Ryzen

    I actually already got a statement from Bis that the Devs "We always try to increase performance on ARMA3" Thanks for the very quick reply to my Email from BIS. Still I wonder if BIS if they take AMD's offer to Support Studios to increase Ryzen support? I red a lot statements about.. ARMA3 is Old, The Engine won't support it and so on... Fact is, Arma3 is still in the Top 15 most played Steam Games and also had a Engine Upgrade and also supports 64bit now on Client Side. I would be very happy if some Dev could send a short statement about the future compatibility with next Gen Hardware, specially 6+ Core Support, specially pushing DLC's until 2018 the chances are people will get new PC's in that time and start asking the same question. :) Thank you.
  7. Since AMD stated that they help Devs improving Performance you just might be a bit patient regarding Ryzen Performance in A3.
  8. I asked Bohemia about Ryzen Support 2 days ago. Got answer yesterday already.