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Colin Kirkcaldy

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Everything posted by Colin Kirkcaldy

  1. Colin Kirkcaldy

    installation problems!

    Morning community, im having some difficulty playing and patching arma 2. Having had he original cd/dvd rom for quite a few years i thought id install it on a faster machine. win10, nvidia gtx750m, its an msi gaming steel series laptop, so it has moderate gaming abilities.SO i installed arma 2 base game no patches and played on boot camp, campaign and the graphics are very blocky void of texture etc even on normal. i reduced my settings to low and this improved very little. I read that installing patch 1.05 could solve it, but alas no. im getting an error upon startup of the game with the X3DAudio1_6.dll basically that it is either not recognised in windows or is corrupt, i have replaced the dll into the wow64sys folders as instructed by some other elements found on internet and it is still happening. ANY IDEAS?