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Everything posted by Hi-Mocro

  1. Hey Bohemia, I tested the armed prowler and offroad out. This is what is looks like: Armed offroad - https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/808803604852836994/1F72BC1662BF605F87EFF7AA7B4FAE3A3D546D6B/ Armed prowler - https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/808803604852836664/41B295F3D2280F3F4B251059B5FEF6ECEE26E69F/ With the prowler having magnification/scope on top of the HMG, yet we see the same as a iron sight armed offroad. Can this be sorted out please?
  2. Hi-Mocro

    Armed offroad and armed prowler 400m distance

    Both are at maximum zoom levels yes. The issue is about the armed offroad having the same magnification zoom levels as an armed prowler while the armed prowler should have the normal MK30 HMG magnification levels