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M. Marcelo

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About M. Marcelo

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  1. M. Marcelo

    Out of ram even thoug i still have ram left

    nope :/ does nothing it runs out of memory after about 1,5 h, sometimes less of mp gameplay so testing if something worked takes way to long
  2. M. Marcelo

    Out of ram even thoug i still have ram left

    1. I am on windows 10 2. yes 3.no 4.yes rhs tfr and many more The problem isnt running out of ram, it is arma refusing to use anything so my total system usage goes above 8 GB. It works perfectly fine in every other game
  3. M. Marcelo

    Out of ram even thoug i still have ram left

    its set to auto. the thing is half of my ram stays free(8/16GB)
  4. M. Marcelo

    Out of ram even thoug i still have ram left

    no its set to automatic i did every bit o f advice i could but it still does the same. it caps my max usabe ram at 8GB for all programs as well but arma still thinks it can use more than 8 cause it sees the 16GB. This doesnt happen with any other programs/Games than ARMA
  5. I have 16 GB(DDR4 Z170 MOBO) of ram installed and can use it all with other programs. when playing arma windows informs me i'm out of ram when i reach 8 GB and i need to close Arma to prevent data loss. I found noone with this exact issue yet