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Posts posted by Ry4nD

  1. 1 minute ago, SpacePilotMax said:

    I wonder if it's possible to cut out the Exile medical system and redestribute it as a separate addon (with permission of the Exile devs). If I'm not mistaken, it doesn't affect anything else.

    Yea, I tried, it is almost impossible to get rid of the stock medical, although when I did get it to work despite the bugs it was awesome! Exile and ACE3 are amazing together. 

  2. Also just to be clear, I don't have a hate on for ALiVE, I have used it extensively, have created 100"s of missions with it, even back in the x86 days, I did get it to work flawlessly, however some clients had server fps drops, so I switched to a module-less, script based system. Just wanted to point out that I still have a deep down love for ALiVE mod ;-* and it was 1 of the first frameworks I used way back when I first started out. And because of the limitations I faced, I learned how to write my first script. ;-)

  3. I believe originally he wanted Zombies, so I showed him https://github.com/kuplion/ExileZ-Mod and for static side missions I showed him https://github.com/Defent/DMS_Exile#changelog and along side that I showed him the https://github.com/kuplion/a3_exile_occupation all which I believed to remedy the requirements of his community. As far as ACE3 Medical it is still a no go. As ACE interferes with the stock Exile medical system almost impossible to fully remove, from the loot tables, hard coding into the schema and database, the main exile.sql file and so on. If you try the suggested addons, they have an easy install process, are customizable and you could still incorporate any missing element from ALiVE, as this covers all the "fps" droppers. ;-)

  4. On 9/2/2017 at 0:43 PM, linuxmaster9 said:

    would it be possible to use this as a spawn option in Exile? The bambi player would spawn inside the plane with all the necessary gear already on and the plane 60k up or something and have the whole countdown and jump thing?

    When they get to the ground, the gear disappears. and they have their default Bambi gear.

    I would place the plane in the middle of the map or near the coast.

    No, not possible since there are already 2 spawn options hard coded into the ExileServer config.

  5. ACE3 is not compatible with Exile mod, you were told this many times. There are pre-made scripts to accomplish what you wanted to do with ALiVE mod. ALivE will cause "server" side FPS drops after a certain amount of time, most Exile servers restart every 4 hours because with a high player count of 100+ server fps will drop, Exile even has a automatic server restart feature to do it automatically, so yes, Exilemod+ALiVE would be crap "server" FPS, get your facts straight man. I asked you to try ALiVE mod, post your server fps, and then try my methods  to see the difference! I also told you nobody runs a Exile server for 4 days straight, otherwise your server fps will be 15! You seriously have a issue reading text, and understanding what people are saying don't you?

  6. On 8/25/2017 at 10:12 PM, BroBeans. said:

    Well this is a lie, Alive has fairly good performance for what it can create. It all comes down to the configuration. No AI behaviour script/mod is good for server performance. But Alive has it's own virtualisation which seems to work pretty well. 


    I assume you're talking about scripts to alter AI behaviour? Alive has so much more to offer than just that, which is why it's a mod not a script. Yes there are simplified scripts out there but they will still take a toll on the server. 


    Lets not forget Exile hardly has a good performance track record.  

    My main point, to this guy was that because Exile is such a performance hog, and it uses a lot of server fps any additional modules on top, usually equate to server side fps drops, which is why we made some simple scripts to run server side, to achieve the same result, saving those precious server fps. Believe me I have extensive experience with dedicated servers, and I experiment with a variety of mods, some mods do not work well together, and sometimes when you want to do something, there is often a simple tried and tested way to do it. Try to explain this to a guy that doesn't know the difference between "server" fps and "client" fps that was the argument. 

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  7. On 8/26/2017 at 6:27 PM, kremator said:

    My, that RyanD sounds like a complete arse!

    Well after 3 days of trying to help this guy, with his bad attitude and toxic behavior yes, I may have responded quite harshly, although taken out of context as you cannot see what was said prior, or the days of explanation and help I did offer. There is always 2 sides of a pancake ;-) 

  8. Don't forget to mention that you came into the Support Discord with a terrible attitude, not taking any advise, and trying to force Alive mod on everybody, and force ALiVE mod down our throats. I gave you a link to a script with simple instructions for Zombies and Exile, found here https://github.com/kuplion/ExileZ-Mod and I told you it was better to use something designed for Exile, rather than trying to force ALiVE mod and Ryan zombies to work. You didn't want to hear it, and you were combative for 3 days, I had a large amount of patience to you consistently being rude to me and others. So screen shot away but there is 2 sides to a pancake bud. The argument started with "Server FPS" Not with ALiVE mod. Ryan's Zombies has module too, but we don't use them in the mission because they cause server lag when zombies spawn, that's why we made a script to execute server side. 
