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Posts posted by Ry4nD

  1. On 07/05/2018 at 8:23 PM, avibird 1 said:

    Has anyone used this. Does this work with Teamswitch enable or does this only work with human players. 


    I open his demo mission insurgence and enable Teamswitch but only the first unit I picked has the support. It works with the five different units he has in the script but I think only for human players. So if you use Teamswitch into one of the other units who have the ability to call support it will not work ? 


    I would like to get this to work with Teamswitch Avibird





    It should work regardless of teams, as it uses your player class, the pre-defined class as you chose in the lobby, once in game, if you switch teams, you would still be a "sniper" so if if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "B_T_Sniper_F") then { 

    than remains true, you would still have the support enabled for that class. Hope that helps.

  2. On 07/05/2018 at 8:23 PM, avibird 1 said:

    Has anyone used this. Does this work with Teamswitch enable or does this only work with human players. 


    I open his demo mission insurgence and enable Teamswitch but only the first unit I picked has the support. It works with the five different units he has in the script but I think only for human players. So if you use Teamswitch into one of the other units who have the ability to call support it will not work ? 


    I would like to get this to work with Teamswitch Avibird





    You can see how it is configured in one of my mission files, https://github.com/rcantec/Pre-packed-Missions

  3. https://github.com/rcantec/Tanoa_Insurgency


    Steam Download https://github.com/rcantec/Tanoa_Insurgency


    Tanoa Insurgency


    Insurgency style mission for Tanoa, complete with all the tools you need for a full MILSIM experience. This is the 1st edition of the mission and is a WIP, a unique experience. This mission is designed for a multiplayer environment, however you can also enjoy it in single player. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    You can join my Discord here for questions or help with the mission. https://discord.gg/EYWahZn

    If you want to try the mission you can test it on my public server.

    To play this mission no addons are required.

    To begin using the Software:

    Move the file into the following directory (assuming you have the Steam version of ArmA 3):

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions

    Special thanks to BangaBob, Engima, Pokertour and PHRONK for the use of their scripts to make some things happen. The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk.

    This mission is (c) 2018 RCANTEC(RyanD) www.rytechlab.com rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

  4. https://github.com/rcantec/Malden_Insurgency


    Steam Download https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1365442530


    Malden_Insurgency Malden Insurgency

    Insurgency style mission for Malden, complete with all the tools you need for a full MILSIM experience. This is the 1st edition of the mission and is a WIP, a unique experience. This mission is designed for a multiplayer environment, however you can also enjoy it in single player. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    You can join my Discord here for questions or help with the mission. https://discord.gg/EYWahZn

    If you want to try the mission you can test it on my public server.

    To play this mission no addons are required.

    To begin using the Software:

    Move the file into the following directory (assuming you have the Steam version of ArmA 3):

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions

    Special thanks to BangaBob, Engima, cobra4v320 and PHRONK for the use of their scripts to make some things happen. The Software is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Software is not an official addon or tool. Use of the Software (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk.

    This mission is (c) 2018 RCANTEC(RyanD) www.rytechlab.com rights reserved. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

    • Like 3

  5. https://github.com/rcantec/Support-Requester


    //Support Requester By RCANTEC(RyanD) 2018
    _this select 0 synchronizeObjectsAdd [SupportRequester];
    SupportRequester synchronizeObjectsAdd [_this select 0];
    BIS_supp_refresh = TRUE;
    publicVariable "BIS_supp_refresh";
    if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "B_T_Sniper_F") then {
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, ArtilleryProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, CasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, TransportProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, AmmoProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;
    [_this select 0, SupportRequester, HelicasProvider] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;

    Add initPlayerLocal.sqf to your mission root folder, place labeled support modules.

    Place Support requester module named SupportRequester

    Then place virtual Support modules for each named;

    ArtilleryProvider, CasProvider, TransportProvider, AmmoProvider, HelicasProvider

    Sync each virtual module back the the main SupportRequester module.

    The line containing if (typeOf (_this select 0) isEqualTo "B_T_Medic_F") then {

    Whereas quoted class type can be any playable unit "B_T_Medic_F"

    playable units with same class name will have the support enabled.


    If you want to see how it is implemented in a multiplayer mission, you can try my Malden Insurgency https://github.com/rcantec/Malden_Insurgency_R1.Malden

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  6. On 10/28/2017 at 10:00 AM, djotacon said:


    This thread and the comments confirm all my hypothesis about the origin of the modification of the file and the little or no knowledge it has about how the program actually works.


    Dedmen and his "loyal servants"  - to me -  is doing another smoke cloud.


    There's no FPS improvement and the entire mod is only a place based in "snake oil ideas".

    LOL okidokie, what's snake oil? 

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, dedmen said:

    The scripts themselves won't execute faster. But... Each frame scheduled scripts have 3ms of time. So on 50 fps you have150ms of total time for SQF scripts per second.
    with the unlock you can ofcause get more fps.. 100fps == 300ms of total scheduling time. So yes. They get done quicker.
    That are exactly the benefits. Your demanding scripts get done quicker.

    @RCANTEC-RyanD- Please don't double/triple post.

    I had 3 separate thoughts, didn't know there was a limit to how many times 1 can post, 1 post for 2 different people, and a brain fart from the paint fumes in my washroom renovation ;-) :don8: *Edit, there we go, fixed my 2 double posts. 

  8. On 10/24/2017 at 5:46 AM, kuplion said:

    BI doesn't want people modifying their game, says the guy modifying their game.. Hmmm.. I'm done with it anyway at this point, it would have been nice to learn how you are detecting the correct offset now that any previous obvious methods have changed in v07 performance, but each to their own. I won't be running profiling as I get better performance with the performance build, and would rather not be involved in this "mine mine mine" attitude that is so readily displayed here on these forums.

    LMAO says the guy that displays the worse attitude on multiple forums and platforms, don't be salty because here you can't get what you want. Dedmen is following the rules, like you do not. Guess your mad because you can't steal his work. :don15:

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