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Everything posted by ToxxicQ

  1. Is there a way to get the old helicopter flying? The new are really shitti @Devs
  2. ToxxicQ

    Jets DLC Helicopter Physics

    Yes. The thirdperson camera is more slowly and it does not really move if you put your nose up/down. That leads to the fact that you don't have a horizon, what makes it very difficult to land in 3person. And that is shitti.
  3. ToxxicQ

    Mission SQM Error

    Hey Guys! My problem is that I can not open my mission SQM in the Eden editor. When I am trying to it shows "Error loading mission" I hope you can help me!
  4. ToxxicQ

    Mission SQM Error

    Thanks but my folder names are right. The SQM that I downloadet and saved right in the Documents cannot be opened in the 3d-Editor. I see the filer under "Open" but if I am trying to the message I described is shown.