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Michael McSilver

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  1. Michael McSilver

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Hey Community, im searching for a modded Vehicle in Arma 3 that i had a long time ago. Today i found it again, as part of a big mod. when i had it back then it was a stand alone. The vehicle in question is the following is a truck from IVECO with a moving loading ramp, double door, and a liftable railing on top with lights attached to it. A screenshot from the vehicle is here: https://prnt.sc/sa71kj When i first had it it had a different lightbar and a german firetruck texture. Thanks for your help EDIT: Found Another Picture, but still need the Mod: http://forum.zoggaz.de/gallery/index.php?image/184-gefahrguteinsatz-an-der-tankstelle-in-paros/
  2. Michael McSilver

    Remove Weaponmodel of the Bobcat

    That is fine, the vehicle's purpose is a towing and recovery vehicle. therefore it should still repair, but thanks
  3. Michael McSilver

    Remove Weaponmodel of the Bobcat

    Thank you, i looked for a command like this. Now there is no Error anymore. also thanks to fn_Quiksilver for this command. Now there can´t be any idiots using the gun (The vehicle is for the Medics of an Altis Life Server, and they sometimes are idiots).
  4. Michael McSilver

    Remove Weaponmodel of the Bobcat

    Hi, right now i am close to the success. i wrote in the init: This setobjectTexture[2,"NoTexture.jpg"]; The slot 2 is for the Gun, i set them on a non existing texture. it is now invisible, but theres an error saying that he didn´t found the textures My Update: https://www.pic-upload.de/view-32934091/Update2.jpg.html Now some editwork on the Skin. i will post the outcome
  5. Hi everyone, at the moment i am working for an projekt in Arma 3. For this i need the bobcat, which is the Supportvehicle for the Bluefor, without the gunmodel. I already removed the gun with ammo, but the Model is still there. https://www.pic-upload.de/view-32933133/Bobactforum.jpg.html Is there any way to remove the Weaponmodel ? I thought about giving it a invisible texture (like setObjectTexture but for the turretweapon) or set it invisible. the classname for the bobcat: B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F and the Weapon is LMG_RCWS. I hope you can help me. Michael McSilver PS: Sorry for bad English, not my motherlanguage.