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Posts posted by midnightwyvern

  1. 7 hours ago, esfumato said:

    The tanks DLC is not going to have any air vehicles.



    I remember that cheetah and Tigris share the same turret and independents don't have any kind of AA vehicle. So 1 new AA turret and 1 AA vehicle should be a must.



    That was just some off topic posting.  Wasn't trying to suggest the DLC had aircraft.

  2. While attempting to do the introductory campaign to figure out how to play the game (I only did a Zeus mission once not long after that DLC), and I innevitably end up getting what sounds like loud static after a certain combination of sounds I can't seem to pin down.  I've tried reducing maximum audio channels in-game and that doesn't seem to be doing anything.


    UPDATE: I just had the extremely loud static come in again during a cutscene in a Little Bird, and as soon as the game transitioned from that scene to the helicopter being landed and me being able to control my character again, the static stopped.  Getting right up underneath the helicopter didn't make it come back.

  3. 9 hours ago, x3kj said:

    ffs stop quoting an entire post with numerous pictures just to write a one liner!

    Oh, shit.

    The other forum I commonly post on condenses Quotes into trees that only expand when clicked on.  I'm not used to this format.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Damian90 said:

    I have some more, for example here is a project from the 90's of the US 55 tons future MBT.






    Or for example German made EGS technology demonstrator, unfortunetaly, it's turret was never completed, only weight simulator was placed there to simulate vehicle weight with real turret.



    You've REALLY got me hoping they haven't already finished the so far unknown 3rd vehicle for the DLC.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Damian90 said:

    If I may suggest something for BI Devs.


    If you guys want some inspiration for potential new MBT for NATO/BLUFOR, here are some suggestions.




    This is modified M1 tank within the CATTB (Components Advanced Technology Test Bed) program, this prototype was nicknamed "Thumper", was armed with bicalliber 120/140mm smoothbore XM291 ATAC (Advanced Tank Cannon) gun (bicalliber means that the gun breech was universal and could accept both 120mm and 140mm barrels and munitions), had new turret with autoloader, and crew was reduced to 3 men. Of course additional armament would be a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and potentially 12.7mm machine gun for commander in some sort of remote cupola mount or remote weapon station/CITV mount of project would ever be finalized.


    Or again this modified M1 known as TTB (Tank Test Bed), just like in T-14 the crew was placed in isolated compartment in front of the hull behind a massive front armor. Armament was in unmanned turret, a modified 120mm smoothbore M256 gun + a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. Autoloader under the turret hold 44 rounds.




    Of course it was a test bed, later on these sights on each side of the hull would be eliminated and a single gunner sight and a single commander sight would be placed on turret itself, perhaps commander would also receive a 12.7mm machine gun in remote weapon station/CITV mount.

    At the moment CATTB prototype named "Thumper" is kept in Sierra Army Depot and can be spotted via google maps satelite images, while TTB is kept in Fort Benning and awaits restoration in National Armor and Cavalry Museum.


    PS. So above examples clearly shown there were NATO 4th genertion MBT test beds, techology demonstrators and prototypes. ;)

    Great suggestions!  A combination of these would be really damn cool too drive.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Zygzak191 said:

    There aren't any western prototypes of 4th generation tanks, which have been shown though. Only thing I know of that would fit is PL-01, which was only a plywood mockup on CV90 chassis and isn't a MBT, but it would fit NATO, because "stealth".

    Btw it would be interesting to see thermal camo as shown in this video: 


    Well the Black Wasp is an original design that's based on the F-22 and the prototype new F-18 upgrade.  They could easily use a similar style in combination with the current M1A2 to create a new, believable design for a future conflict.

  7. I hope the T-14 Armata is accompanied by a next-generation American tank as well.


    I love the look of the Black Wasp in the Jets DLC, so I'd be excited to see what Bohemia would design for an American tank of comparable era.
