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James Adams

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Everything posted by James Adams

  1. Hey Guys, I am trying to make a door knockdown script but I am stuck. I am having issues with this knockdown script (I have an add action in my init for it): https://pastebin.com/eGgN6Y85// < the animation line will be changed to I have also tried using cursorObject but the script doesn't work, but I think I will revert back to cursorObject to get more accurate a more accurate "cursor target" to find the door. I would highly appreciate any help, thank you in advance. James
  2. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    @gc8Sorry to bother you again, but would it be easier to add the script call in the init of every house I choose? And how would I go about doing that for one house and every door of that house?
  3. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    Alright, thank you for the help, have a good day.
  4. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    @gc8Ok I got it to work so it calls the hint that the door is unlocked, I will set lock the doors in my radius now and see if it is actually working and I will update here.
  5. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    @gc8 I have made this thus far and I am getting the error of missing ; https://pastebin.com/L6hPTzmk any clue ?
  6. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    One more question, :D, what does door_%1_rot mean
  7. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    oh right ok, yeah im trying to make it universal for any door, so when addAction triggered open the cursorObject (door in this case), nevertheless thank you very much for the help, I learned a few things! James
  8. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    or is it just the variable that represents the door ?
  9. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    I thank you for the help, what does doorIndex in your script do btw?
  10. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    Its not open to the public, so I can't learn from how they wrote their script
  11. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    Yes but I would like to have it universal for any door without triggers nothing for the player addAction, here is a video: Idk this id modded but its just as an example the script itself can be used for vanilla here just not the animation
  12. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    yeah I would like to have a MP ready one and have that add action on the player, I saw that getCursorObjectParams could work here, because I would like to have it universal for this script to work for any door
  13. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    thank you, yeah the kick animation thing I forgot is not actually a thing it has to "switchmove" lol
  14. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    thank you !
  15. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    Ok thank you
  16. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    I removed the ; before else and what do you mean by the _door variable should be index from 1- max doors
  17. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    yeah I wrote it all by myself
  18. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    oh well I tried changing it to cursorTarget and cursor Object but with no luck, you have any idea how to redefine it
  19. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    yes I know, but rn this is only for testing purposes, but idk why the script doesn't work is why I originally posted. Because It doesn't get to the step where the switch move even happens
  20. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    I see, well I want to implement this script for a multiplayer environment, so does your statement still apply for multiplayer?
  21. James Adams

    Door Knockdown Script

    this is my init: player addAction ["Knockdown Door", "knockdown.sqf"];
  22. James Adams

    BattlEye Game Ban ArmA 3

    Hey there, My mate got banned off his main account cause he was naive and got a leaked cheat from a scammer. He never cheated in his life and he got 5k hours on ArmA. He played clean for 7 years until now in these times where he has a lot of time on and thought of something stupid. What are the chances of him getting unbanned from ArmA 3 so he can multiplayer on his favorite servers again?
  23. James Adams

    BattlEye Game Ban ArmA 3

    what are the chances tho
  24. Hello Everyone, I have recently been working on this custom chop shop script and it works as follows (at least its supposed to 😞 If the vehicle is damaged it then moves to check each individual vehicle part and its damage. Each vehicle part extracts a different sum from the total reward, e.g. engine - 1k, wheels 500 etc. Currently the vehicles are not put into arrays of groups but just simple a array of 3 for a start. I have not tested this but I would appreciate any feedback and/or help on this script as I am not advanced in scripting. I have a lot of experience with ArmA but with sqf currently still learning. Thanks, James Script below or the pastebin here: https://pastebin.com/hDfZ3m9C /* ChopShop reward script, depending on vehicle damage (specific to vehicle parts) and model the chopping reward decreases. By: James_ -> Discord: James_#8282 Script Info: _vehModels = veh classnames: switch statement for each veh */ //Below for server: function name, e.g. Server_ChopShop_Reward -> dependant on framework ["fnc_ChopReward", { private [ "_player", "_veh", "_vehpart", "_vehDamage", "_vehModels" "_fullReward", "_currentDamage" ]; _veh = [ 0, objNull ]; if ( isNull _veh ) exitWith {}; _player = [ 1, objNull ]; _vehpart = [ "Engine", "Hull", "Fuel", "Transmission", "Wheel1", "Wheel2", "Wheel3", "Wheel4", "Glass1", "Glass2", "Glass3", "Glass4", "Glass5" ]; _vehDamage = { _veh getHit _x } forEach _vehpart; _vehpartDamage = { _veh getHitPointDamage _x } forEach _vehpart; _vehModels = [ "B_MRAP_01_F", "B_G_Offroad_01_F", "B_T_Truck_01_box_F" ]; //later on rework for array in array -> vehicle groups //str veh classnames into veh names like Hunter etc. switch (_vehModels) do { case "veh1": { ((_vehModels) select 0); _fullReward = 20000; }; case "veh2": { ((_vehModels) select 1); _fullReward = 10000; }; case "veh3": { ((_vehModels) select 2); _fullReward = 12000; }; }; if (_vehdamage < 1) then { switch (_vehpart) do { case "Engine": { ((_vehpart) select 0) && if [0, (_vehpartDamage < 0.9)] then { _fullReward - 1000; }; else ((_vehpartdamage > 0.9)) exitWith {}; }; case "Wheels": { [((_vehpart), select 4, select 5, select 6, select 7)]; if (_this (_vehpartdamage < 0.9)) then { {_fullReward - 350} forEach _x; }; }; case "HullFuelTransmission": { [((_vehpart), select 1, select 2, select 3)]; if (_this (_vehpartdamage < 0.9)) then { {_fullReward - 500} forEach _x; }; }; case "Glass": { [((_vehpart), select 8, select 9, select 10, select 11, select 12)]; if (_this (_vehpartdamage < 0.9)) then { {_fullReward - 400} forEach _x; }; }; }; }; }; count _fullReward; //variables "owner" & "player" are different for each framework if (((_veh getVariable "owner") select 0) != (getPlayerUID _player)) then { [_player,"Player_Cash",((_player getVariable ["player_cash",0]) + call (_fullReward)]; //call Server_Core_ChangeVar; }; //the below is for the altis life framework (5.0) if (life_HC_isActive) then { [_player,_veh,_fullReward] remoteExecCall ["HC_fnc_chopShopSell",HC_Life]; } else { [_player,_veh,_fullReward] remoteExecCall ["TON_fnc_chopShopSell",RSERV]; }; //the below function is also named different for each framework below is for modded [_veh] call Server_Chopshop_Storecar; //final check if vehicle has been stored or not if _veh !(isNull) exitWith {deleteVehicle _veh}; }; ];
  25. Fantastic Release, learned a lot from this, thank you very much @soolie! Regards, James