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Everything posted by n9ne-

  1. good news for everyone having this issue: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123784 they noticed us and are already working to fix that problem! :) have a nice day!
  2. i already reinstalled the game 2 times, updated all drivers, tried to reinstall Visual C++ Redisttributable 2013, used SFC tool to check corrupted data, nothing helps. What kind of graphic cards do you have? In the discussion @feedbacktracker , they all have geforce 700m series. I own a 755m.... What about you all? For more information from feedbacktracker, watch this post: Feedbacktracker: Can't launch my game after update
  3. than start a new thread please, with your error code....
  4. hey i m having the same issue... can t start the game in both versions, 64 and 32 bit since the update.... http://prnt.sc/elh401 http://prnt.sc/elh44v i saw there have some more people the same issue posted on feedback tracker... anyone have a idea how to fix that?