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About Obel1sk

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  1. Hi, new player looking for a squad to play with, who can teach me the ropes and help me get the most out of this game. Just picked up Arma3 this weekend from a humblebundle deal, not played any Arma games previously but I'm a fast learner. Playing through the solo campaign to familiarize myself with the mechanics, but really interested in Co-op missions etc. I am completely green to the game and how multiplayer works, so would need some handholding to start with, but as I said, I'm a fast learner :) a bit about me: 38yo UK Male, mature and sensible but with good sense of humour (not prone to ragequit or general messing about) I have a tiny amount of military experience (4 years TA/Reserve when younger) Not really interested in hardcore milsim, but will take the game seriously and follow instructions/orders Able to play Mon-Thu evenings until late (I work away from home so will be in hotels most of the time) I have a decent gaming laptop (I7, 16GB, GTX 970m) with Skype and TeamSpeak I have a decent amount of co-op gaming experience, mostly MMO (Was a Guild Master and Raid leader in WoW until recently) If you can offer me something please PM me or email chris.j.watson@outlook.com - thanks!