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Posts posted by Excelarion

  1. On 23.5.2016 at 6:34 AM, D_FENS said:

    Hello, Can someone help a new guy. I've got arma 3 but i really struggle with the mods and really want to run this. I've downloaded iron front lite from steam workshop thinking this will be made easy for a hopeless guy like me but i can't see any servers. Do i still need to run play with six and all the mods?

    search for iron front in the "mission" category in the server list. look at their mod requirements tho

  2. On 22.2.2017 at 10:57 PM, oldmedic said:


    I have the same question ! I have bandages and morphine . How do I use it on myself? I do not get anything when use the scroll wheel.

     Do I have to drop them on the ground in order to use them? Any help would be a great help. I am getting tired of bleeding to death.

    Thank You in advance.



    if you are playing with the ace medical system, look into some medic-guides and enable the medical menu for yourself; makes stuff much easier
