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Everything posted by HOLLINGSWORTH R


    Need help...

    Im looking to find someone capable of making a simple and accurate military protractor to be used in the map screen. I can pay for the work but must be a functioning mod that can correctly be used in land navigation as arma is backwards in how grids are displayed. I can provide pictures of the protractor if needed.
  2. I'm wanting to make a Rifle qualification range that emulates the US Army's current rifle qual. I have searched and have found nothing that would relate to how this is done. I'm not the greatest at scripting but already have the range setup. I'm looking for help to get it working properly. If anyone has experience with this please help me out. Thanks in advance...
  3. Hey everybody, I'm looking for some help in making a moving target range for my unit. I'm wanting to use the rails that the targets roll on. I've got all the objects placed, but haven't found anything on how to make the targets travel along the rails at a specific speed and be able to control them from the firing positions. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Steel target Nedded

    I'm looking for someone who can build a functioning steel target made by MGM for my ARMA realism unit. The ones in game work but would really like something new for our units training cycles that would better reflect real world targets you would find on a military range. I can provide dimensions and anything else needed for this project. I'm willing to pay for services and give credits on our custom training map. Thanks in advance...

    Functioning target needed.

    Thanks Harzach.

    Functioning target needed.

    I'm looking for someone with mod building experience that can make a functioning steel target other than the objects that already exist in the editor. Its an MGM steel target used in long range shooting matches. Please see link... https://www.google.com/search?q=mgm+ipsc+steel+target&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwislpryq6vaAhWm8oMKHQghAvgQ_AUICigB&biw=1511&bih=723#imgrc=NFZndnkvia6ioM: I can get all the dimensions for you. can pay for services... Thanks in advance

    Functioning target needed.

    Since I'm not getting any hits, Can someone point me in the right direction?

    ArmA 3 stops recognizing joystick as controller

    Hey guys, So here is my problem. I hate flying in ARMA with a mouse so i bought a thrustmaster HOTAS 4 to make flying better right. I notice on the box it says for PS4 but also compatable with PC. SOOOO, i get it home thinking it will work fine right? WRONG. I plug it in and it shows up in the controller screen. I am able to map the cyclic right, left, forward, and back. However the peddals and throttle will not respond to any re-mapping, or even in the calibration menus. all other buttons and functions work, with exception to the throttle and rudders. Anyone elses have this problem? And is it something on my end or something bigger? Thanks in advance.