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Posts posted by Y.S.B

  1. Hello, i am making a ww2 D day mission. I am using the IFA3LITE mod and the FOW as the WW2 mods and some others like ACE3. I am trying to make it so that the landing will not require a driveing player, so the ramp will drop as soon as we hit a point in the shallow water. to do this with the LCVP (IFA3LITE) by using the animation for it (without the "statement" and the ""): statement = "this say3d 'LIB_LCVP_Ramp_Open_1'; {this animate _x} forEach [['ramp_rotate',1], ['roller_L0_rotate',1], ['roller_L1_rotate',1], ['roller_R0_rotate',1], ['roller_R1_rotate',1], ['shutter_rotate',0], ['shutter_latch_L_translate',0], ['shutter_latch_L_rotate',0], ['shutter_latch_R_translate',0], ['shutter_latch_R_rotate',0]]; if ([this, 'LIB_LCVP_Fast_Landing', true] call LIB_Get_Variable) then {[this, 'Ramp'] call LIB_LCVP_Fast_Landing}";

    It works on the craft, but whan i change the crafts name and put the statement on a trigger\waypoint it just plays the sound. If anyone can help it will be very nice :)

  2. Hello, i am making a ww2 D day mission. I am using the IFA3LITE mod and some others like ACE3. I am trying to make it so that the landing will not require a driveing player, so the ramp will drop as soon as we hit a point in the shallow water. to do this with the LCVP (IFA3LITE), i am using the animation for it:

    statement = "this say3d 'LIB_LCVP_Ramp_Open_1'; {this animate _x} forEach [['ramp_rotate',1], ['roller_L0_rotate',1], ['roller_L1_rotate',1], ['roller_R0_rotate',1], ['roller_R1_rotate',1], ['shutter_rotate',0], ['shutter_latch_L_translate',0], ['shutter_latch_L_rotate',0], ['shutter_latch_R_translate',0], ['shutter_latch_R_rotate',0]]; if ([this, 'LIB_LCVP_Fast_Landing', true] call LIB_Get_Variable) then {[this, 'Ramp'] call LIB_LCVP_Fast_Landing}";

    It works on the craft, but whan i change the craft's name and put the statement on a trigger\waypoint it just plays the sound whan it gets to the waypoint/triggers the trigger. If anyone can help it will be very nice :)

  3. Hello, i am making a ww2 D day mission.

    I am using the IFA3LITE mod and the FOW as the WW2 mods and some others like ACE3.

    I am trying to make it so that the landing will not require a driveing player, so the ramp will drop as soon as we hit a point in the shallow water. to do this with the LCVP (IFA3LITE) by using the animation for it:

    statement = "this say3d 'LIB_LCVP_Ramp_Open_1'; {this animate _x} forEach [['ramp_rotate',1], ['roller_L0_rotate',1], ['roller_L1_rotate',1], ['roller_R0_rotate',1], ['roller_R1_rotate',1], ['shutter_rotate',0], ['shutter_latch_L_translate',0], ['shutter_latch_L_rotate',0], ['shutter_latch_R_translate',0], ['shutter_latch_R_rotate',0]]; if ([this, 'LIB_LCVP_Fast_Landing', true] call LIB_Get_Variable) then {[this, 'Ramp'] call LIB_LCVP_Fast_Landing}";

    It works on the craft, but  whan i change the crafts name and put the statement on a trigger\waypoint it just plays the sound.

    If anyone can help it will be very nice :)



  4. List of things i would love to see:

    Jhonson LMG.

    FG42 w\scope.

    M1 Garand w\attachble scope.

    Pramrine units.

    A better and more realistic sight and beefier sound for the M1 Garand.

    A fix for the boken M1919.

    A sight adjustment option (Maby with the view effect of the sight of the M1 Garand while proning and aming up.

    And last but definitely not least, changing the balance of the M1 carbine so it has less range and a bit less accuracy then the M1 Garand. 

    Good work and good luck! 

  5. Hello, I love how this mod is looking.

    i am using the alpha but it has a lot of bugs like the side shooting M1919 and the OP m1 carbine. 

    I can't wait to get my hands on this mod's new version with it's new models for guns like the M1 Garand and the M55 rising and hope that at least some of it will be released soon.
