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Everything posted by LoNiC

  1. did anything change with addons[] = { "hlcweapons_core" }; ? Update: I see CBA got an update too, for that reason it didn't run! addons[] = stayed the same!
  2. Can't find NIarsenal Complete in A3launcher. Has there been a swap to NIarms All in One?
  3. Hi guys, first of all great mod, really the best I have seen so far. Wanna give some feedback and in particular ask some questions. Feedback: 1. "hlc_rifle_ACR68_full_green" has wrong skin (probably already known) 2. Guns seem to have too high accuracy on average to create a good balance. Especially the machine guns like m249/minimi, m60, MK MOD should not have sniper accuracy imo. The ACR rifles show some reasonable transitions, though I wonder why the mid and long barrel show same values. 3. Some names are too long at traders. Example: Remington ACR- 6.8m... rest is cut off and reader can not distuingish between the 4 barrel lenghts other than looking at the price. Probably there is an easy solution for that, which I don't know yet. Resulting from that some questions: 4. What does accuracy shown at traders tell about weapons real accuracy at all? 4.1 MG42 shows a higher accuracy than MG3, it's predecessor. It is confusing me. While I am not a weapons specialist (in real), I can't imagine the predecessor is less accurate. 5. What does range tell about a weapon? Is the shown weapon range at traders the result of calculations (e.g. speed * barrel lenght) or is it used for calculated effective range (e.g. speed * barrel legnth * weapon range)? 5.1 hlc_rifle_g3a3ris 1200m range, hlc_rifle_g3ka4 1000m range but "Modernised,slightly shorter Infantry rifle". Does the 1000m variant have any effective advantage over the 1200m variant? Do shorter barrels have any gameplay advatage over longer barrels? In which situations do they come to effect, if so? Edit: Ok I see that one was changed, alot of rifles which had 1000m range have 1200m now. But still the general question remains. I am kind of a perfectionist when it comes to balancing drop chances, prices, rarity levels, etc. Answering these questions would help me alot and I would be very thankful. I would be very thankful to find a general formula of how to evaluate weapons. I can't see differences between e.g. 20' and 16.5' ACR rifles. Are they the same with different names? If there are differences, how to find out about and evaluate them? Thank you loads and keep going the great work.
  4. Yes exile. I guess the trader is reading out values correctly (rounded). And sorry for being pertinacious and that this is not about the HLC weapons/mags: So out of that equation it is relatively safe to say that the PKP/PK with the PKM mag (16 dmg, 800 velocity) deals more damage than the zafir (12 dmg, 800 velocity) in any situation of close range, as they both have the same caliber and therefore piercing capabilities? Any statement about longer range performance would need to take air friction into account, which values I don't possess, right? (assuming the dmg value of the trader is the on hit damage you explained which goes into the equation with velocity etc.). Actually it would make sense to just drop the vanilla weapons altogether at this point.
  5. Thanks man, that clears up alot for me. Just one thing left to ask. Is the damage value that the trader shows for each kind of mag the value that goes into the equation to determine the real damage with all the other factors you named or is it a kind of averaged damage value that comes out of that equation in the end after taking all other factors into account? I guess the first must be the case. That would explain the values from the sheet alot better.
  6. Alright but in arma all that somehow gets translated into a single damage value. So does the HLC ammunition have these hidden attributes behind that single damage value still or were these attributes you name just used to determine that single damage value and therefore that value is all that counts without any discounts and increases? I want to create somewhat stringent price and rarity tier levels. Ingame trader tells me the following: HLC M60 mag: 9 dmg HLC M60 mk319: 14 dmg Zafir mag: 12 dmg PKM mag: 16 dmg SPMG mag: 14 dmg Navid mag: 18 dmg Here it barely makes sense to me (from a gameplay and balance perspective) that the PKM mag does more dmg than the zafir, m240 mag and even the spmg one. The mags have different muzzle velocities though. The m60 mags are the fastest, followed by the zafir mag. Out of the sheet that I posted above: HLC M60 mag: 9.1 dmg HLC M60 mk319: 13.8 dmg Zafir mag: 12.9 dmg PKM mag: - dmg SPMG mag: 15,6 dmg Navid mag: 20 dmg Are the values from the sheet potentially either incorrect or a result of any math consisting of raw dmg value multiplied with velocity? Trying to make an order in tier for these weapons and the corresponding ammo. Of course including all the lower calibers as well. But to keep it easy I wanna understand it with just them first. If I just added the 6.5 mag 100/200Rnd to that list Trader: 100/200Rnd 10dmg Sheet: 100Rnd: 10.7; 200Rnd: 11.2 it becomes even more troublesome as then the standard 7.62x51 caliber rounds would do less dmg than the 6.5 caliber one. Of course I could fix that by just allowing higher dmg mags for the 7.62x51 weapons. Realisms is important for me, but most important is a somewhat stringent tier graduation for balance/gameplay reasons. An M60/MK MOD with 9 dmg would not make much sense to use here if you can have 200Rnd 6.5 with 10 or even more dmg or a PKP with 16 dmg.
  7. Thanks for that quick reply. So when you say real balistics system, it means that an AWM with 762 caliber and 5 shot magazine does about the same damage as any of the vanilla 762 weapons which have e.g. 10 or 20 size magazines? That would be a bit of a bummer, as I hoped to get another higher tier sniper with that AWM. So some non RIS version of weapons that have RIS versions of the exact same type cannot hold any or some attachments, right? I am for sure going to do tests on my own as soon as I get someone to help me out with that and feels like shooting at me ;-). Just want to get clear about as much as possible before I start hours of tests with different kind of bullets etc. Edit: I just found that: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/111f0poB2GtEIAGbJwNxs2Gwaj9oQ79wVNr2tBBUexQ8/edit#gid=1286392137 I am a lucky guy I guess, if these values are still correct. According to this list Mk.316 and Barrier Ball are the strongest types of ammo when they are available. Still trying to figure out why they are sometimes even at the very same level and why numbers of equal caliber mags vary that much. Do some of these numbers get discounted vs. non-armor or armor targets?
  8. Awesome package, just installed the complete package on my exile server. Got some question, hope someone can give a rough and quick overview: 1. How does the damage compare with standard fictional arma3 weapons? E.g. M60/MK MOD vs. Zafir AWM vs. LLR/CYRUS/LYNX/MAR (is the awm damage on that level or more on 762 sniper level?) FN FAL 762 vs. MK18 M14DMR vs. Exile DMR(Arma2) With standard rounds. 2. Many weapons have CIS version. What does it stand for? 3. Are there any weapons in that have this fixed attachment glitch which allows duping? Greetings and thanks for the pack! Hope that someone can especially give some information about the overall weapon damage philosophy of this pack compared to standard A3 weapons.