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Wilfred Jurgens

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About Wilfred Jurgens

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  1. Recently bought a Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X and been playing around with the keybindings. I have noticed that when I tried to assign one of the buttons on the set for a addon like ACRE it didn't register. So am I doing something wrong?
  2. So I am having an issue with Acex 3.2.0 it keeps popping up with a message at the top right of the screen saying volume still lowered. Had a look in the controls for Acex there is actually an keybinding for volume control, but even if I bind a key to it the message still pops up. Any ideas why this might be happening or how to fix it? Just let me know if you require more info from me.
  3. Alias: DaftBotReal Name: WilfredAge: 23Time Zone: GMT+2Available: Weekends only due to weekday commitments. Looking For: English speaking Semi-serious milsim unit located in the EU 18+ members only if possible. I do have a working mic, teamspeak and can speak English fluently. I do not mind modding my game. I do have all the DLC aswell.