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Junior Prado

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About Junior Prado

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    Private First Class

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  1. ["taskname","CREATED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; -> will change from Assigned to Created ["task","ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; - > will assign the task taskState: String - can be: "CREATED" "ASSIGNED" "SUCCEEDED" "FAILED" "CANCELED" Highlight only work if you change it to another task, if you have 2 tasks, Assign the other task then Assign back the task you want to be highlighted..
  2. Hi, i want a explanation in these codes.. i have a trigger to be activated when one object enter the area the objects are "Containers In Net" i tested many codes, only this one worked c2 inarea thisTrigger || c1 inarea thisTrigger this one worked with an vehicle but not with Containers in Net ({_x in thislist} count [car1, car2] >= 1); what's the difference between the two objects? why the second code isn't working with Containers in net? second code works with vehicle and container.
  3. I Just discovered that players with setcaptive true; will not show Briefing.sqf Hope it can help someone.
  4. What Default settings mean for medical ? With an example of, Allow IV ? (Everyone, Regular Medic, Doctor) Where's the settings is take from Setting Default will ignore my medical configuration?
  5. Junior Prado

    BM-21 MLRS Fired by AI scripting

    _arty = arty; _target = a1; _artyAmmo = getArtilleryAmmo [_arty] select 0; _artyETA = _arty getArtilleryETA [getPosATL _target, _artyAmmo]; _inRange = (getPosATL _target) inRangeOfArtillery [[_arty], _artyAmmo]; systemchat format ["In range: %1",_inRange]; if (_artyETA > 0 AND _inRange) then { systemchat "Cleared to fire!"; systemchat format ["Impact ETA: %1s",_artyETA]; _arty commandArtilleryFire [getPosATL _target, _artyAmmo, 40]; };
  6. Junior Prado

    AssignasCargo work once..

    Looks this code working: grp5 addvehicle heli; _waypoint1 = grp5 addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"m1",0]; _waypoint1 setwaypointtype"GETIN"; _waypoint1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; Thx for help
  7. Junior Prado

    AssignasCargo work once..

    First trigger: Blufor present on action: { _x assignAsCargo heli; [_x] orderGetIn true;} forEach units grp5; this code make the troops embark Second trigger: Condition: _aliveUnits = (units (grp5)) select {alive _x}; ({_x in heli} count _aliveUnits) == (count _aliveUnits); Action: _waypoint0 = grp4 addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"m1",0]; _waypoint0 setwaypointtype"TR UNLOAD"; _waypoint0 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; The helicopter "heli" will wait the grp5 embark then will move to the marker m1 and TR UNLOAD.. the troops disembark. After this, i can use an waypoint for move the grp5 and it work.. but the assignascargo / ordergetin will not work anymore... i can't embark the troops again..
  8. Junior Prado

    AssignasCargo work once..

    Grp5 is a fireteam (cargo troops) Grp4 heli crew - wp tr unload, heli move to the wp and desembark cargo
  9. Hello, i have an issue i use this code.. Embark: { _x assignAsCargo heli; [_x] orderGetIn true;} forEach units grp5; - the code Works ============ Disembark: _waypoint0 = grp4 addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"m1",0]; _waypoint0 setwaypointtype"TR UNLOAD"; _waypoint0 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; It work, troops disembark but they will not embark again... the assignascargo will not work anymore.. Troops not answer to the command.. I tried assign in a new helicopter and no work.. i tried {unassignVehicle _x} forEach units grp5; no work.. Any clue why?
  10. Junior Prado

    assignAsCargo & orderGetIn

    Hello, i have an issue Embark: { _x assignAsCargo heli; [_x] orderGetIn true;} forEach units grp5; - Works ============ Disembark: _waypoint0 = grp4 addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"m1",0]; _waypoint0 setwaypointtype"TR UNLOAD"; _waypoint0 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; It work, troops disembark but they will not embark again... they get stuck, assignascargo will not work anymore.. Troops not answer to the command.. I tried assign in a new helicopter and no work.. i tried {unassignVehicle _x} forEach units grp5; no work.. Any clue why?
  11. Junior Prado

    Radio Trigger on Dedicated

    Thank you very much, problem solved.. i think i tried (player == sq) but the correct is: this && (player == sq);
  12. Please i need some help.. i have an addaction to start the movie this addAction["Briefing", "'scripts\tv.sqf' remoteExec ['execVM']", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 4"]; tv.sqf if(!isServer) exitWith {}; t1 setobjecttextureglobal [0,"videos\brif.ogv"]; ["videos\brif.ogv",[10,10]] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_playvideo", ([0, -2] select isDedicated), true]; it works well and exec on all machines, but if the player disconnect, and connect again the video play again.. How can the script exec once, so it will not repeat if client disconnect?