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Posts posted by rogerbodger

  1. I would like to thank Jakerod and all the other contributors to this thread. Paul's immediate family and friends have gleaned succour and have been uplifted by the all kind comments and  the  model tributes to Bushlurker. He would be both embarrassed and tickled by it all. In the early 70s I met this skinny , witty 12 year old kid with a bowie haircut; even he had an eye for detail, patience and a gift to impart knowledge, he taught me how to tie fishing flies.

     We have been playing(been addicted to) ofp/arma since 2001, a minimum of 3 times  week till late last year( probably nearer 6 in early years!). Paul and I have had over 15 years worth of  giggles and enjoyment from this game,, he would cackle with delight  from his gunner view from the SUV as it swung 10 feet from the ground as wee flew into downtown Fallujah suspended from a littlebird, the cackle would turn to a snigger if the littlebird I was flying were to hurtle to the ground aflame after some serious incoming. Not content with just playing, he started adapting missions and terrains, his abilities are self evident in the terrains and tutorials online. Paul went one further, he got a job working for the company that made his favourite game, they paid him for stuff that he had been doing for free. Crafty old dog that he was,he would always quote Scotty time for project timescales as this gave him more time to hang out on forums helping others solve problems whilst having a wee play on the guitar.

    Paul loved what he did here, in that respect he was a lucky guy. I am not a frequent visitor to the site, this is my first post, despite this I have heard many of the contributors names before, some on many occasions.

    Some of the contributions have brought a tear to my eye in a good way, however kiory's statue made me smile,  a comment about buffness made me laugh. Paul could only dream of being that buff.

    It has all been very much appreciated by myself and his family.


    Thank you all

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