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About Gpgaming

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  1. I have a problem of buildings clipping in the ground. any idea to fix this? This is a problem with terrain builder because when I try to place an object from TB, it ends up half underground. I have come to this forum as a last resort option as iv tried many other people and forums. Any help would be grateful! https://gyazo.com/c8e33c08a44c5250d7fbd229ea7075b7
  2. Gpgaming

    Buildings cliping into ground

    i did that but i still have the same problem
  3. Gpgaming

    Buildings cliping into ground

    its on land, do you think we could talk about it on ts or discord? i have a few questions and think it would help out more than typing. https://gyazo.com/4e289602407f17d11e13b6555b28f54b https://gyazo.com/efdfa22fcb620a081f0ee7f86f8fdc27 https://gyazo.com/a53a402d635c54d7f6ad8876dd3fa880 screen shots of prob
  4. so I used x-cam to place down objects in arma 3 editor and loaded the file into terrain builder and exported into .wrp but when i load into the map in editor, all the objects are clipped into the ground(about half way underground) iv been trying to get this work for a while so any help would be great!
  5. Does anyone know how to load a road from an addon and use it in x-cam?
  6. Do you know how to make it so you can use the interaction menu to bandage, preform surgery, esc on people who are in a bed (vehicle)? if not, do you know what file is used to check if your in a vehicle?
  7. cant you add str(side player) == 'GUER' in the function that you want done only by independent?
  8. hi, i was wounding if there is a way to disable all ace medical features for all factions except independent?