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About ArmedTimmeh

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  1. Right so, if anyone is interested I found a sort of work around, the best way is to create an edit zone using the addCuratorEditingArea command in the mission initialise as that way you define an editAreaID when it created so you can reference it on later triggers in a mission. So in the mission init I used gameMasterModuleVariableName addCuratorEditingArea editAreaID,[X,Y,Z pos], radius.
  2. Hey all, Does anyone know where to get the editAreaID of a Zeus edit area that has been placed in the eden editor? I'm trying to create a trigger that, when bluefor is present, the nearby edit area is destroyed. According to the wiki (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeCuratorEditingArea) I need to use the Zeus GM name, then removeCuratorEditingArea and then pass the editAreaID but I cannot find it anywhere. I have already attempted to use 0, 1, 2, 3, the edit area variablename, and the edit area reference name but nothing seems to be functioning. I know the trigger is functioning correctly because the area is destroyed when using the removeAllCuratorEditingAreas command. Anyone got any ideas, I'm beginning to pull my hair out with this :D
  3. I'm seeing this in other places too, regularly the AI seem to get confused going over bridges in Altis.
  4. ArmedTimmeh

    Remove editing area for zeus.

    Awesome, thanks for this, on the off chance do you know if there a way to do this to a specific edit area? I see there is a command called removeCuratorEditingArea where you need the editAreaID but anything I try to use for the ID doesn't seem to work.
  5. ArmedTimmeh

    Post New Thread Button missing?

    Eurgh, all I want is to ask something about Zeus, well heres post 1 I guess