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About james7347@hotmail.com

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  1. james7347@hotmail.com

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    Thanks Kamkill for the help but no luck mate, I am getting the same error. I have messaged one of the developers to see if they can help.
  2. james7347@hotmail.com

    Class names

    Thanks for the advice Kamkill but its the same.
  3. james7347@hotmail.com

    Class names

    Hmmm I am struggling here a little bit. I keep getting an error of "missing ;" I have entered the following in to the init box in the war lords init box, class CfgWLFactionAssets { class WEST { class InfantryUnits { gm_ge_army_antitank_assistant_g3a3_pzf44_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_antitank_assistant_g3a3_pzf44_parka_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_antitank_g3a3_milan_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_crew_80_oli {}; gm_ge_army_crew_mp2a1_80_oli_antiair {}; gm_ge_army_crew_mp2a1_80_oli_armor {}; gm_ge_army_crew_mp2a1_80_oli_artillery {}; gm_ge_army_crew_mp2a1_80_oli_mechinf {}; gm_ge_army_demolition_g3a4_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_engineer_g3a4_80_oli {}; gm_ge_army_grenadier_g3a3_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_machinegunner_assistant_g3a3_mg3_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_machinegunner_mg3_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_medic_g3a3_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_officer_p1_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_platoonleader_g3a3_p2a1_parka_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_rifleman_80_ols {}; gm_ge_army_squadleader_g3a3_p2a1_80_ols {}; }; }; class EAST // --- OPFOR { class InfantryUnits { gm_gc_army_antitank_assistant_mpiak74n_rpg7_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_antitank_mpiak74n_fagot_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_antitank_mpiak74n_rpg7_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_crew_mpiaks74nk_80_blk {}; gm_gc_army_demolition_mpiaks74n_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_engineer_mpiaks74n_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_machinegunner_assistant_mpiak74n_lmgrpk74_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_machinegunner_assistant_mpiak74n_lmgrpk_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_machinegunner_assistant_mpiak74n_pk_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_machinegunner_lmgrpk74_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_machinegunner_lmgrpk_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_machinegunner_pk_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_officer_pm_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_rifleman_mpiak74n_80_str {}; gm_gc_army_squadleader_mpiak74n_80_str {}; gm_gc_bgs_rifleman_mpikm72_80_str {}; }; }; Any help would be great please.
  4. james7347@hotmail.com

    Class names

    Hi Yxman Thanks for the reply and the information. Looks like a lot of cut and paste, I will give it a bash.
  5. james7347@hotmail.com

    Class names

    Hi I am trying to set up a warlords server using Global Mob. However I am struggling with only using the units from Global mob. Is there a list of every man and vehicle that I can cut and past from to put in the ini box in the warlords faction box. Any help with this would be great (at 54 its just getting harder).